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Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityI{  7 �^Q{N?b0W�N�{t�VE�O�� 7HHarbin Institute of Technology and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, etc 7#Frontiers in Optics & Laser Science 7FIO/LS 7+The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 7�e�{�y�Sw�:g�g>N�RhTgCLEO 7`The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and The International Quantum Electronics Conference 7 CLEO/IQEC 7�Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Annual Meeting(SPIE Optics East, SPIE Optics and Photonics, SPIE Photonics West) 7JAPS Annual Meeting(APS March Meeting, APS April Meeting, APS Fall Meeting) 7IInternational Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 7QM 76International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions 7NN 7(International Nuclear Physics Conference 7INPC 7.Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 7"the IEEE Transactions on Magnetism 7 Joint European Magnetic Symposia 7JEMS 7%International Conference on Magnetism 7ICM 7!OSA Optics & Photonics Congresses 74International Commission of Optics Congress Assembly 7 ICO Congress 7"International Congress of Genetics 7IGF 7: International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 7 IUBMB-FAOBMB 7&Society for the Study of Reproduction  7SSR 7F FEBS Congress and IUBMB Conference: Biochemistry of Cell Regulation <  7IUBMB 7 Gordon Research Conference 7GRC 7Biomaterials Asia conference 7Chemeca 78International Conference on Composites/ Nano Engineering 7ICCE 7)Society for Reproduction and Development  7SRD 7'The molecular biology Society of japan 7MBSJ 7&International Congress on Cell Biology 7ICCB 7-Internatinal congress of development biology 7ICDB 7Elsevier 7Hong Kong, China 71Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 73Annual Meeting of the Transportation-Research-Board 7AMTRB 7<International Symposium On Transportation And Traffic Theory 7ISTTT 7-Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference 7ITSC 7B 73The World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 7ITSWC 7#Urban Transport and the Environment 7UTE 7Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 7IVS 7,International Conference on Low-Volume Roads 7ICLVR 7 ��V�N�Џ��xvz�YXTOTRBt^O &International Advisory Committee (IAC) 7/ ,{88J\ �SCI0EI�h"} g R�TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD   7f ,{18J\ �SCI0EI�h"} g R: Transportation Research Part C, Transportmetrica, Journal of Advanced Transportation    7( Wessex Institute of Technology�WIT �, UK " # 7ITS Japan, ITS America, ERTICO 7TRB 72 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting"  7}International Conference by International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures 7.!International Conference by RILEM 7.G International Conference by International Society for Asphalt Pavements6=  7. International conference by ISAP 7.|International Symposium by International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures 7 International Symposium by RILEM 7FInternational Symposium by International Society for Asphalt Pavements 7International Symposium by ISAP 7RInternational Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways, and Airfields 7BCR2A 7>Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 7CICAS 7*AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference 7AAS/AIAA 7$International Astronautica Congress  7AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting 7AIAA-ASM 7$IEEE Control and Decision Conference 7CDC 7#IFAC Automatic Control in Aerospace 7IFAC-ACA 7$Astrodynamics Specialist Conference� 7ASC 70International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics 7ISSFD 7 AIAA�[*�6R�[�c6R'YO 7 AIAA*�)Y�yf[O�� 7 IEEE*�)Y'YO 7 IEEE�c6RN�QV{O�� 7 IFAC*�)Y�c6RO�� 7�VE��[*�O�� 7�VE�ꁨR�c6RT�TOO���*�zz*�)Y�c6R 7�VE�*�zz�yf['YO 7 AAS/AIAAzz��ޘL��Rf[O�� 7�VE��[*�'YO 7 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scattering and Phase Conjugation Wave 7SBS-PCW 7'American Physics Society Annual Meeting 7APS AM 7Optical Fiber Conference 7OFC 7 IEEE Sensors Conference  7 IEEE Sensors 7Eurosensors Conference 7 Eurosensors 7BSymposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 7DTIP 7%Institute of atmosperic optics SB RAS 7'International Congress of Refrigeration 78 �k2t^NJ\�v'YO0CIGR N��S�b�Q�N�T�R�]RO(W�Q�vN*N�b/gRO0�k!k'YO�~N>N�R �FO/fT*NROUS�r�~�~O��0   70European Conference on Thermophysical properties 7IEEE�[*�N5uP[�|�~�VE�O�� 7 IEEE�[*�N5uP[�|�~f[O 7 IEEE:ghV�NNꁨRSf[Ot^O 7 IEEE:ghV�NNꁨRSf[O 7 IEEE�NhVNKmϑ�b/g�VE�O�� 7 IEEE�NhVNKmϑf[O 7 IEEE�O�SYtf[O 7 IEEE5u�N�|�~f[Ot^O 7 IEEE5u�N�|�~f[O 7EWinter Simulation Conference Or Summer Computer Simulation Conference 7m WSCbSCSC 7 �Qc[�NwO��bYc[�NwO�� 7O IEEE�]N5uP[f[f[Ot^O 7 IEEE�]N5uP[f[O 7/IEEE International Conference on Communications 7ICC 7)IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 7Globecom 78IEEE International Conference on 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Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 7ISAP 7FInternational Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications 7WPMC 7#Global Navigation Satellite Systems 7 ION/IEEE GNSS 7>AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference 7ICSSC 76IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 7WCNC 7;IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium  7IGARSS 7=SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 7VCIP 7.International Conference on Signal Processing  7ICSP 7FThe European Sociological Association for Time Use Research Conference 7��V�c6RO�� 7��VIQf[f[Ot^O�fIQf[MR�l�T�oIQ�yf['YO��VIQf[f[O �VE���V,Ei�h"} ��VIQf[0IQP[f[O�� �VE���V,�V�h�VE�5ul�] z^f[O�oIQNIQ5uP[ROt^O�VE�5ul�] z^f[O0IQP[f[RO �VE���VEi�h"} SCIhQ�6eU_����ꁨRSO����V�R�] SCI6eU_ �VE���V �ĉ!jg'Y04ls^gؚ,Ei�h"}'k2m�oIQNIQ5uP[f[�f'k2mϑP[5uP[f[O�� 'k2mirtf[O0IEEEf[OIQP[f[RO0��VIQf[f[O 'k2m�N�S�VE���V,Ei�h"}  �s*Ys^ m�oIQNIQ5uP[,�VE�O��  �N2mT�Virtf[O0IQf[f[O05uP[f[O0��VIQf[f[O(W3u�R�V�S_ 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on Circuits and Systems 7ISCAS 7 IEEE�IEEE CAS  7;International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design 7 ISLPED 7 + ACM SIGDA�IEEE Circuits and Systems Society  7 A 7�Design Automation Conference 7�DAC 7� ACM�IEEE�EDA Consortium*)* ) 7�SCI6eU_B 7Symposium on VLSI Circuits 7VLSIC 7!IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society 73Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 7ASPDAC 7�N2m�TWS*Ys^ m0W:S ����ꁨRSO�� 7s IEEE� ��V���{:gOSO(ACM)� Special Interest Group on Design Automation(SIGDA)� IEEE Circuits and Systems Society(IEEE CAS)   F H 7 �N2m�TWS*Ys^ m0W:S 7CIB 7S��VW� T�v�^Q{�{tOSOCIB>N�R�vt^O �http://arcom.lboro.ac.uk/ ��kt^8T_hQt�vW� Tf[��T�[���{t��S�R0}Y�v���eO���cP�0R�VE�W� Tg R0 7�] z�{t � g�R�{t�T�wƋ�{t�VE�O�� 7u�N�6R � �N g�RЏ\O�{t�VE�O�� 7 MSOMf[O 7 �] z�{tN g�R�yf[�VE�O�� 7' National University of Ireland(1r\pQ�V�z'Yf[)& 7 �N*Y�Oo`�|�~�VE�O�� 7�N*Y0W:S 7! �{t�Oo`�|�~xvz N'Y2mE��VE�O��KNN �B {|�VE�O�� �ISTP�h"} 7 ACM��� 70 ��V���{:gOSO(ACM, Association of Computing 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ASHRAE summer /�Winter �conference 7+ASHRAE meeting 7+&International solar energy conference 7+3International Conference on Modeling and Simulation 7+ICMS2009 7+:International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 7+ Indoor Air 7+)International Conference on Urban Climate 7+ICUC 7+>International Conference of Refrigeration and air conditioning 7+ICRAC 7+#World Water Congress and Exhibition 7+International Hydrogen Forum 7HyForum 74International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition 7IBS 7,International Symposium on Microbial Ecology 7ISME 7) World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion 7AD 7ACS Meeting and Exibition 7ACS 7ECS Meeting and Exibition 7ECS 7IWA Conference water &Energy 71International Ozone Association Annual Conference 7IOA 77International Ultraviolet Association Annual Conference 7IUVA 7%American Chemistry Society Conference 7ACS Conference 7IWA Conference 7IWA Sludge conference 7IWA Particle Separation 7/World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. 7WEWRC 7"Water distribution system analysis 7WDSA 7'IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 7#ACS National Meeting and Exposition 7Water Environment Federation 7IInternational symposium on heating ventilation and air conditioning 7=International Conference on Information and Computing Science 7ICIC2009 7�c6RN�QV{O��AmSO�c6RsQT�O��!j_Ƌ+R�VE�O��hQt���{:g�yf[N�Oo`�] zO��World Research InstitutesYIQ1��Va�Yt�S!j_Ƌ+R�VE�O�� IEEE�Oo`NꁨRS�VE�O����V:g�h�T�m�n�] z^OSOid�df[t^O ��V:g�h�] z^OSO/id�df[�T�m�n�] z^OSO   �kt^10gWOMPg�e�x_cO�� �k$Nt^4g ASME �VE�:g�h�] zf[/gO�� 1t^ EI�h"} �R�Rf[0/c�RN�c6R�VE�O�� �VE�^��~'`�R�Rf[OSO EI/ISTP�h"}�~s|6R ��VE�O��-N�V0�e�RaWёR�w Elsevier " �cP�0R 0Diamond and Related Materials 0!��V:g�h�] z^f[O�VE�:g�h�] z�VE�O�� ��V�|�[�] zf[Ot^O��V�|�[�] zf[O �S͑�g:g�gN:ghV�N�VE�O�� 1u��V:g�h�] z^f[OASME;N�R   Nt^ �VE��[*�T�TO(IAF) ��V*�zz*�)Yf[O/��V�[*�f[O, AIAA/AAS  �VE�zz��ޘL��R�ROSO,ISFD  �VE��oIQNIQ5uP[f[ ��Virtf[O0��VIEEEOSO0��VIQf[f[OT�T;N�R  �kt^N!k/International Conference on Perpetual Pavement� 7ICPP 75Accelerated Pavement Testing International Conference 7APT 7QInternational conference on application of advanced technology in transportation  7AATT 79International conference by International Road Federation 7IRF 7.International conference of concrete pavement 7ICCP 7#Pacific Structural Steel Conference 7PSSC 7JInternational Conference on steel-concrete Composite and Hybrid structures 7ASCCS 7PSmart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 7Smart Structures/NDE 7<Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 7SMASIS 7Smart Structures and Materials 7Smart/t^�N 72International Conference on Earthquake Engineering 7DInternational Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 7ICSDEE 7GInternational Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7ICSMGE 7?International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering 7ICEGE 7-European Conference on Earthquake Engineering 7ECEE 75the International Con< gress on the Chemistry of Cement 7The ICCC conference 7KInternational Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components 7DBMC 74International Symposium on High Performance Concrete 7 International Symposium on HPC 7KInternational Conference on ER fluids MR fluids and associated technologies 7=International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics 7ICNMG 7HASIAN Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7ACSMGE 7dInternational Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics 7GEOEQ 7?S National & 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 7CCE 7*World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 7WCEE 7?International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering 7IABSE 7,International Conference On Wind Engineering 78The International Commission of Agricultural Engineering 7CIGR 72International Union of Food Science and Technology 7IUFOST 7.Institute of Food Technologists Annual meeting 7IFT 7International Dairy Federation 7IDF 7. 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and Communication Engineers  7IEICE 7/International Conference on Electrical Machines 7ICEM 7IEEE International Magnetics 7Intermag 73International Conference on Computational Magnetics 7Compumag 7<Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 7IECON 7"International Magnetics Conference 7INTERMAG 7MMM 7.The IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference  7APEC 7BIEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference 7IPEMC 7AIEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems  7ICEMS 7HIEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications 7ICIEA 7 IEEE IECON 7=International Battery Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles Symposium 7EVS 7&Conference on Power and Energy Systems 7 IASTED PES 7 IEEE �]N�^(ut^O 7<IEEE ��ϑ�Sbc'YO�fU\ȉO 7 'k2m5u�R5uP[�S�^(u�VE�O 7 IEEE�VE�5u:gNq��RO�� 75u�x9_\O�� 7 f����R�s�cۏ�b/gO�� 7 ��� �5u�N�|�~�VE�O�� 7 IEEE5u�R�] zf[OhQO 7IEEE5u�R�] z�Q/Yc[O�� 7IEEE5u�R�|�~O��NU\ȉO 7 IEEE��M�5u�VE�O�� 7�VE�'Y5uQO�� 7 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