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The history of the School of Civil Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology can be traced back to the beginning of Harbin Institute of Technology in 1920. After more than one hundred years of construction, the college has achieved fruitful results, which are summarized as follows:


In 1920, the Harbin Sino-Russian Industrial School was established to build the railway construction department.


In 1928, the university was renamed Harbin Institute of Technology with the Department of Architectural Engineering.


In 1950, the sovereignty of the school returned to the motherland, and opened the earliest industrial and civil architecture structure major, industrial and civil architecture major.


In 1952, under the guidance of experts from the former Soviet Union, the first graduate courses of building mechanics and structural engineering were opened for the whole country in China.


In 1959, the Harbin Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture was established on the basis of the original civil engineering department of Harbin Institute of Technology, and the major of industrial and Civil Construction belongs to the Department of Architectural Engineering. In the same year, he began to recruit graduate students in the disciplines of structural mechanics and structural engineering.


From 1960 to 1963, the major of mechanics was established and trained a class of graduates.


During 1962-1965, the underground civil air defense engineering major was established.


In 1977, after the Cultural Revolution, the undergraduate program of civil construction was resumed, and the recruitment of tutor students was resumed. In the same year, the structural mechanics teaching and Research Section was established.


From 1977 to 1978, he resumed the mechanics major and trained two sessions of mechanics teachers.


From 1977 to 1988, the underground civil air defense engineering program was restored.


In 1978, Professor Wang Guangyuan completed the research result the calculation theory of the overall spatial function of the building structure, and the research result the application of permafrost pile foundation and seasonal permafrost shallow foundation with the help of the foundation teaching and research section, which also won the National Science Conference award.


In 1981, Professor Wang Guangyuan was appointed as one of the first members of the discipline evaluation group of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council.


In 1981, the discipline of structural mechanics was approved as the first batch of doctoral programs and master's programs, and the discipline of structural engineering was approved as the first batch of master's programs.


In 1986, structural engineering received the doctorate award; seismic engineering and protective engineering, solid mechanics and experimental mechanics.


In 1987, the Institute of Engineering Theory and Application was established on the basis of the original Structural Dynamics Laboratory. In the same year, it was approved to establish a post-doctoral mobile station in mechanics discipline.


In 1988, the research result Structure fuzzy optimization design theory completed by Professor Wang Guangyuan won the third prize of national Natural Science.


In 1988, the International Association of Steel- -Concrete Combination Structure Research was formally established, and Professor Zhong Shantong was elected as the first chairman.


In 1990, Professor Liu Ji and others completed the research result Research on the seismic calculation method of asymmetric building and won the third prize of National Science and Technology Progress.


In 1991, Professor Shen Shizhao was appointed as a member of the Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council.


In 1991, it was approved to establish a Postdoctoral mobile station of civil engineering and water conservancy discipline.


In 1993, professor Zhang Yaochun and his other research achievements Complete technology of steel structure for high-rise buildings won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress.


In 1993, the construction discipline of civil engineering and water conservancy engineering obtained the right to confer a master's degree.


In 1994, Professor Wang Guangyuan was elected as one of the first academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


In 1994, according to the requirements of the adjustment of the national specialty catalogue, the original industrial and civil construction major was renamed as the construction Engineering major


In 1995, the School of Architectural Engineering was founded on the basis of the Department of Architectural Engineering and the Institute of Engineering Theory and Applications.


In 1995, the architectural engineering major began to implement the credit system.


In 1995, the construction engineering major was the first batch to pass the national higher education construction engineering major education evaluation.


In 1995, Professor Zhong Shantong presided over the research result of Research on Basic Properties and calculation theory of Concrete Filled Steel Tube structural members won the third prize of National Science and Technology Progress.


In 1996, Professor Ou Jinping was awarded the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars.


In 1997, Professor Shen Shizhao chaired and completed the Eighth Five-Year Plan science and technology project of the Ministry of Construction, Key Technologies for the Application of Suspension cable and Reticle Shell Structure won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress.


In 1997, professor Liu Ji and others completed the national eighth Five-Year science and technology research project Building structure shock isolation and vibration reduction method and its engineering application won the second prize of national Science and Technology Progress.


In 1998, professor Wei Jide and others completed the research achievement Research on the basic problems of prestressed concrete structure design and won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 1998, it was the first batch of doctoral degree authorization units in the first-level discipline of civil engineering.


In 1998, the co-presided over the research work of the ninth Five-Year Plan major project Key Scientific Problems and Design theories of Large-scale Complex Structure of the National Natural Science Foundation of China with Tongji University.


In 1998, Professor Wang Huanding won the title of National Excellent Teacher.


In 1999, engineering mechanics, structural engineering, disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering, and geotechnical engineering were approved as the key disciplines of the Ministry of Construction.


In 1999, the structure and seismic vibration damping laboratory was approved as the key laboratory of the Ministry of Construction.


In 1999, Professor Shen Shizhao was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


In 1999, according to the requirements of the adjustment of the national specialty catalogue, the original construction engineering major stopped recruiting the enrollment, and the civil engineering major began to recruit students. In the same year, the theory and applied mechanics / civil engineering double degree undergraduate program began to recruit students.


In 2000, Harbin Institute of Architecture and Harbin Institute of Technology merged to form the new Harbin Institute of Technology, and the School of Architecture and Engineering was renamed the School of Civil Engineering.


In 2000, the civil engineering major passed the national review of civil engineering education.


In 2000, the major of Structural Engineering was approved to set up the special professor position of the National High-level Talent Promotion Plan.


In 2001, Professor He Ruoquan and others completed the project of Research on the Training Program and Teaching Content System Reform of Civil Engineering professionals in the 21st Century and won the second prize of national teaching achievements.


In 2001, the discipline of Structural Engineering and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering and Protection Engineering was funded by the national 985 Project.


In 2001, Professor Ou Jinping was appointed as the deputy leader of the Marine resources Development Technology Theme Expert Group of the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program).


In 2001, the structural engineering discipline was rated as a national key discipline.


In 2001, Professor Zhang Sumei won the China Youth Science and Technology Award.


In 2002, the project of Major Engineering Structure Wind and Earthquake resistance and Safety Protection was funded by the second phase construction of Project 211.


In 2002, engineering mechanics was awarded as the key discipline of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.


In 2002, Academician Shen Shizhao was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award in Space Structure (awarded by China Spatial Structure Committee).


In 2002, the achievement Marine Platform Structure Inspection and Maintenance, Safety Assessment and Real-time Monitoring System presided over by Professor Ou Jinping won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 2002, Professor Zhang Sumei was selected into the Teaching and Research Award Program for Young Teachers of Colleges and universities.


In 2003, the civil engineering major (geotechnical and underground engineering direction) began to recruit students.


In 2003, Professor Ou Jinping was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


In 2003, the disciplines of civil engineering and mechanics ranked the third in the national first-level discipline evaluation.


In 2003, the new office building of 15,000 square meters of the School of Civil Engineering and the wind tunnel and wave trough laboratory started construction.


In 2003, Academician Shen Shizhao was a member of the Standing Committee of the International Bridge Society.


In 2003, Academician Shen Shizhao presided over the research work of the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Theoretical Issues of Wind and Seismic resistance of Long-span space Structures.


In 2003, Professor Li Hui was selected into the Cross-century Excellent Talents Support and Training Program of the State Education Commission.


In 2004, the science and technology innovation platform of Civil Engineering System Safety and Protection was funded by the second phase construction of 985 Project.


In 2004, Professor Duan Zhongdong was selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2005, Professor Li Hui was awarded the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars.


In 2005, Professor Ou Jinping was awarded as the national Excellent Postdoctoral fellow.


In 2005, Professor Zheng Wenzhong and Professor Wu Bin were selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2005, the civil engineering major passed the national higher education civil engineering major (undergraduate) education evaluation review.


In 2005, civil Engineering major (undergraduate) was rated as the key major of Heilongjiang Province.


In 2005, the structural mechanics course was rated as a national quality course.


In 2006, Professor Li Hui was awarded the national candidate of New Century Millions of Talents Project and the nomination award of the third China Young Female Scientist Award.


In 2006, Professor Zheng Wenzhong won the excellent Teacher Award of Baosteel.


In 2006, the Harbin International Convention and Exhibition Sports Center designed by Academician Shen Shizhao and Professor Fan Feng won the Zhan Tianyou Award for Civil Engineering.


In 2006, the project Comprehensive Technology Research of Binzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge Project of National Highway 205 presided over by Professor Li Hui won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress.


In 2006, the discipline of Disaster prevention and Reduction engineering and Protection Engineering was rated as the key discipline of Heilongjiang Province.


In 2007, the project Integrated System and Application of Health Monitoring of Major Engineering Structure presided over by Professor Ou Jinping won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 2007, the discipline of structural engineering passed the national key discipline review, and was rated as the national key discipline again.


In 2007, the discipline of Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protection Engineering was rated as a national key discipline.


In 2007, the first-level disciplines of civil engineering and mechanics were rated as national key disciplines.


In 2007, Professor Wang Huanding won the title of the third National College Famous Teacher.


In 2007, the team led by Professor Li Hui was awarded the Innovation Team Development Plan of the Ministry of Education.


In 2007, Professor Li Hui was appointed as a special professor of national high-level talents of the Ministry of Education.


In 2007, the Steel-concrete Combined Structure Course hosted by Professor Zhang Sumei was awarded the bilingual Teaching Demonstration course of the Ministry of Education.


In 2007, Professor Fan Feng was selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2008, civil engineering and mechanics ranked third in the second round of national first-level discipline evaluation.


In 2008, the Civil Building Disaster Prevention and Traffic Safety project was funded by the third phase construction of Project 211.


In 2009, the Department of Building Materials belongs to the School of Civil Engineering and establishes the Civil Engineering Materials Discipline Group.


In 2009, it hosted the first National Summer School for Civil Engineering Graduate students.


In 2009, the first Civil Engineering Discipline Seminar ofHarbin Institute of Technologywas held in the school department, and Vice President Ding Xuemei attended the conference.


In 2009, Professor Fan Feng was awarded the China Youth Science and Technology Award.


In 2009, Professor Zou Chaoying won the Excellent Teacher Award of Baosteel.


In 2009, Professor Xian Guijun was selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2010, it jointly established the Provincial Engineering Research Center for Low-carbon Buildings in Cold District with Heilongjiang Construction Group Co., LTD.


In 2010, Professor Zheng Wenzhong was appointed as a special professor of national high-level talents of the Ministry of Education.


In 2010, Professor Li Hui was awarded the He Liang He Li Science and Technology Innovation Award.


In 2010, Professor Guan Xinchun and Professor Guo Anxian were selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2010, the 90th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the civil engineering discipline of Harbin Institute of Technology was held.


In 2010, the research team led by Professor Shen Shizhao and Professor Fan Feng made outstanding contributions to the FAST project of the —— 500 m aperture Spherical telescope. The National Astronomical Observatories submitted the approval of the International Astronomical Union to name an asteroid as Star of Harbin University, offering a great gift to the 90th birthday of Harbin University.


In 2010, he undertook the 4th National College Students' Structural Design Competition and won the only special prize.


In 2010, the second Seminar on Civil Engineering Discipline Construction ofHarbin Institute of Technology was held in Shenzhen campus. President Jin Guangjun and Vice President Liu Hongjun of Shenzhen Graduate School attended the meeting.


In 2011, the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Low-carbon Building Technology in the Cold Region was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission.


In 2011, the Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering Diaclysm and Control of the Ministry of Education was approved by the Ministry of Education.


In 2011, the Key Discipline Group of Heilongjiang Province for Sustainable Development of Urban and Rural Construction was approved, relying on five first-level disciplines: civil Engineering, Mechanics, Environmental Science and Engineering, Urban and Rural Planning, and Landscape Architecture.


In 2011, HIT and the University of California, San Diego, jointly built the HIT-UCSD Overseas Academic Base.


In 2011, Professor Fan Feng and other participants in the completed project Research and Engineering Application of time-change Analysis and Control in the Construction Process of Complex Steel Structure won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress.


In 2011, Professor Zhai Changhai and Associate Professor Han Baoguo were selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2012, Academician Shen Shizhao was awarded the title of HonoraryMembership's highest honorary award by the International Association for Space Structure.


In 2012, Academician Xie Lili delivered the video open class Earthquake Disaster and Building Structure Earthquake Prevention Design and was selected into the first video open class of Chinese universities by the Ministry of Education.


In 2012, Professor Guo Anxian was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Fund.


In 2012, Professor Wu Yue and Professor Gao Xiaojian were selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2012, the civil engineering discipline ranked second in the third round of national first-level discipline evaluation, and the mechanics discipline ranked first.


In 2012, the construction plan of Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering Diaclysm and Control of the Ministry of Education was approved by experts of the Ministry of Education.


In 2012, the Civil Engineering Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center was approved as the 12th Five-Year National Experimental teaching Demonstration Center.


In 2012, the Engineering Practice Education Center, jointly built by HIT, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, Beijing BBMG Corporationand Heilongjiang Construction Group Co., Ltd., was approved as the national engineering practice education center.


In 2012, the 7th National Seminar on Master of Engineering Training in Architecture and Civil Engineering was held.


In 2012, the second National Civil Engineering Forum for College Students was held.


In 2012, the third Three-Place Civil Engineering Discipline Construction Seminar of Harbin Institute of Technology was held in Weihai Campus, and President Feng Jicai of Weihai Campus attended the meeting.


In 2012, the 2012 National Civil Engineering Summer School was held.


In 2012, the structure competition of four northeast provinces and regions was held.


In 2013, the video open course From Have Bird's NesttoBird's Nest-- Introduction to Civil Engineering led by Academician Shen Shizhao was approved by the Ministry of Education for the 2013 Fine Video Open course professional introduction course project.


In 2013, the project Structural Vibration Control and Application presided over by Academician Ou Jinping won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 2013, Professor Zhai Changhai was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Fund.


In 2013, Associate Professor Zhao Lei was selected into the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2013, the opening ceremony and construction seminar of Collaborative Innovation Center for Sustainable Development of Urban and Rural Construction in Cold District were successfully held.


In 2013, the civil engineering major unanimously passed the evaluation of the Higher Education expert group of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.


In 2013, the major of urban underground space engineering was added, and students began in 2013.


In 2013, Structural Mechanics was approved as a national quality resource sharing course.


In 2013, the 4th Seminar on Civil Engineering Discipline Construction of Harbin University was held in the main department. Vice President Ding Xuemei and Yao Xueying, president of Shenzhen Graduate School attended the meeting.


In 2014, the project Key Technology and Application of Concrete Structure refractory resistance presided over by Professor Zheng Wenzhong won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 2014, the Collaborative Innovation Center for Sustainable Development of Urban and Rural Construction in The Cold District was approved as the 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center of Heilongjiang Province.


In 2014, the Civil Engineering Intelligent Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Laboratory was approved as a key laboratory of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


In 2014, the National Academic Forum for Civil Engineering DocStudents was held.


In 2014, Professor Fan Feng was appointed as a member of the Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council.


In 2014, Professor Shao Yongsong won the Excellent Teacher Award of Baosteel.


In 2015, the project of Theory, Method and Application of Antiseismic Design Based on Form of Building Structure hosted by Academician Xie Lili and Professor Zhai Changhai won the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 2015, Professor Fan Feng was funded by the National Fund for Distinguished Youth.


In 2015, Professor Zhai Changhai was selected into the National Young Talents and Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2015, the college was awarded the title of Model Worker Home by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.


In 2015, the Civil Engineering Intelligent Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Laboratory was selected as one of the first batch of key laboratories of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


In 2015, the department of Construction and Management was adjusted from the School of Management to the School of Civil Engineering.


In 2015, the fifth One School and Three Places Civil Engineering Discipline Construction Seminar of HIT was held in Shenzhen Campus. Jing Rui, former Vice President of HIT, and Liu Hongjun, Vice President of Shenzhen Graduate School attended the conference.


In 2015, Professor Zhao Yading won the Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award.


In 2016, the Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering Diaclysm and Control of the Ministry of Education passed the acceptance.


In 2016, the course of Structural Mechanics won the title of the first batch of National Quality Resource Sharing Course by the Ministry of Education.


In 2016, Professor Wang Yuyin won the second prize of Graduate Education Achievement Award of China Society of Degree and Graduate Education.


In 2016, the project Research and Application of Key Technologies of Large-span Space Steel Structure hosted by Professor Fan Feng and Academician Shen Shizhao won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In 2016, Professor Fan Feng was appointed as a special professor of national high-level talents of the Ministry of Education.


In 2016, undergraduates were enrolled in major categories according to civil engineering majors.


In 2016, the 4th National Forum for College Students majoring in Civil Engineering was held.


In 2017, the project of Key Technology of Reservoir High Dam / Dam Safety Precision Monitoring and Efficient reinforcement won the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award.


In 2017, the civil engineering and mechanics disciplines were selected into the Double First-class construction list of the Ministry of Education.


In 2017, in the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, both the civil engineering and mechanics disciplines of our college were awarded as A.


In 2017, Professor Guo Anxin was supported by the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.


In 2017, the college established the China-ASEAN Civil Engineering Sub-Center.


In 2017, Professor Chen Wenli was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Young Scholars.


In 2017, Professor Bao Yuequan was selected into the National Young Talents and Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education.


In 2017, Professor Li Hui and Professor Zhai Changhai were selected into the National Special Talent Support Program.


In 2017, Academician Shen Shizhao was awarded the Highest Achievement Award of China Steel Structure Association.


In January 2018, the project of Key Technologies for Data Mining and Safety Assessment of Large Bridge Structure Health Monitoring presided over by Li Hui won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In March 2018, Zhai Changhai was funded by the National Distinguished Youth Fund.


In April 2018, Michael Harvard Bo Fipol, academician of the Danish Academy of Science and Technology and professor of Civil Engineering Department of Aalborg University, was appointed as an honorary professor of our university.


In May 2018, Wu Buchen, a master student of 2017, won the title of Star Model of Chinese College Students in 2017.


In May 2018, the College established the compilation committee and the compilation group of 100 Years of Civil Engineering and 100 Years of Cultivating People.


In May 2018, the construction of the teaching and research building of 14,000 square meters of the College of Civil Engineering, donated by Lu Hongjun and other alumni and social enterprises, began.


In June 2018, the doctoral program of civil engineering successfully passed the examination and evaluation.


In June 2018, Wang Yuyin was selected into the Longjiang Scholars Support Program.


In June 2018, Zhang Shoujian was elected vice president of Heilongjiang Supervision Association.


In July 2018, the 7th International Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring was held, with Li Hui as its chairman.


In July 2018, Li Hui, as the project leader, was approved by the national Key Research and Development Program Research of Intelligent Structure System and Demonstration Application project.


In July 2018, Ling Xianzhi, as the project leader, was approved by the national key RESEARCH and development plan Major landslide emergency response and rapid treatment technology project.


In September 2018, the 40th anniversary of the 77 and 78 alumni of HIT was held in the auditorium of the main building of HIT. Qi Ji, grade 77 alumni of the School of Civil Engineering, former vice minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and executive vice president of China Association of Mayors, spoke at the conference on behalf of the returning alumni.


In December 2018, The Technical Regulations for Concrete filled Steel Pipe Structures edited by Wang Yuyin won the first prize of Standard Science and Technology Innovation of China Engineering Construction Standardization Association.


In December 2018, Chen Wenli won the annual Youth Science and Technology Award of China Vibration Engineering Society.


In December 2018, the Virtual Simulation Experiment in design and Construction of Large Steel Structure Plant hosted by Wu Yue was rated as the national first-class course of virtual simulation experiment teaching.


In January 2019, Fan Feng was elected as the vice chairman of the 10th Committee of the Construction Branch of the Architectural Society of China.


In February 2019, the college led the establishment of the International Research Center for Polar and Cold Area Engineering of the Polar Research Institute.


In February 2019, the ceramic aerogel results of Li Hui and Xu Xiang were published in Science magazine.


In February 2019, Tang Liang was selected to the National High-level Talents Youth Program.


In March 2019, the Sunshine v Plan special volunteer service project of caring for the children of migrant workers won the silver prize of the Huatai Cup College Students' Public Welfare Innovation and Creative Competition of Heilongjiang Province.


In March 2019, Li Hui was awarded the honorary title of National Female Meritorious Model in 2019.


In April 2019, Fan Feng was appointed assistant to the president of HIT.


In May 2019, the International Academic Symposium on Construction and Real Estate Management was held in Banff, Canada, and Professor Wang Yaowu chaired the organizing committee of the conference.


In May 2019, the Combination Structure Innovation Forum and the Academic Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Mr.Zhong Shantong's birth was held in the lecture hall of the School of Civil Engineering. At the same time, the statue relief of Mr.Zhong Shantong and the unveiling ceremony of Zhong Shantong Education Fund were held.


In May 2019, Xiao Huigang was funded by the Heilongjiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund project.


In July 2019, Li Shuang and Hou Xiaomeng were funded by the Heilongjiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund Project.


In August 2019, the engineering management major passed the professional evaluation organized by the Professional Evaluation Committee of Engineering Management in Higher Education of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (the fourth review).


In September 2019, the Collaborative Innovation Center for Sustainable Development of Urban and Rural Construction in The Cold District was officially approved as a collaborative innovation center jointly built by the province and the Ministry.


In September 2019, Li Hui, as the project leader, was approved by the project of Urban Engineering Structure Disaster resilience and intelligent Disaster prevention and mitigation by the innovative research group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


In September 2019, Fan Feng's project of Wind-rain-Heat-Snow Whole Process Joint Simulation Test System was funded by the National Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


In September 2019, Zhai Changhai's seismic resilience Assessment and Improvement of urban medical Systems was supported by the Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


In September 2019, Wu Yue was awarded as an excellent Teacher in Heilongjiang Province.


In September 2019, Dai Hongzhe won the title of Longjiang Scholar.


In October 2019, the sixth Seminar on civil Engineering Discipline construction of Harbin Institute of Technology was held in Weihai Campus.


In October 2019, the Resilient City Safety Innovation Research Team led by Li Hui and the High-performance Structural Engineering Innovation Research Team led by Fan Feng were selected into the Leading Plan of Heilongjiang Province.


In October 2019, the Fine Analysis and Design Theory and Key Construction Technology of Large-span Concrete filled steel Pipe arch Bridge presided over by Wang Yuyin won the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Steel Structure Association.


In November 2019, the first Sino-Russian Seminar on sustainable Development of Civil Engineering was held in the College of Civil Engineering.


In November 2019, Ou Jinping was elected as honorary President of the 9th Council of Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering, and Li Hui was elected as vice President of the 9th Council of Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering.


In December 2019, the Party branch of steel structure and wood structure discipline was selected into the second batch of National Party Construction work model branch cultivation and establishment unit list.


In December 2019, the Civil Engineering major was selected into the list of national first-class undergraduate major construction sites, and the Engineering Management major was selected into the list of provincial first-class undergraduate major construction sites.


In December 2019, Zhang Sumei participated in the completed project Theory, Technology and Engineering Application of high-rise steel-concrete mixed structure and won the first prize of the 2019 National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In December 2019, Yang Hua participated in the project Injury Mechanism and Analysis Theory of Concrete FTube Structure based on the whole life cycle and won the second prize of the 2019 National Natural Science Award.


In December 2019, the Construction and Practice of International Talent Training System for 'Combination Structure' course Group and Double First-class Construction of Engineering led by Wang Yuyin and the Construction and Implementation of Civil Engineering Talent Innovation Ability Training System under the Background of 'Double First-class' led by Wu Yue both won the second prize of higher Education Teaching achievements in Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2019, the Annual Report on the Development of China Construction Education jointly presided over by Wang Yaowu won the first prize of Education, teaching and Scientific Research Achievements of China Construction Education Association.


In December 2019, Wang Yaowu was elected vice President of the sixth Council of China Construction Education Association.


In January 2020, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), a national major scientific and technological infrastructure project participated by the Center for Space Structure and known as China's Eye of the Sky, passed the national acceptance inspection. In view of the relevant work of the Center for Space Structure, the National Acceptance Committee gave the acceptance opinion that the FAST project has created an active reflective surface flexible cable network structure.


In April 2020, the administrative leadership of the School of Civil Engineering was changed, with Wang Yuyin as the president and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Civil Engineering, Guan Xinchun, Wuyue and Chen Wenli as the vice presidents of the School of Civil Engineering, and Qiao Shijun as the Secretary of the Party Committee and vice President.


In April 2020, the college jointly hosted the International Symposium on Construction and Real Estate Management with several internationally renowned universities (2013-2019 proceedings were included in the Scopus database, the world's largest abstract and citation database.


In May 2020, the Smart Infrastructure Discipline Group was established, with Li Hui appointed as the director of the Smart Infrastructure Discipline Group and Bao Yuequan appointed as the deputy director.


In May 2020, the alumni work office of the college was established, with Xu Pengju as the director.


In May 2020, the first Building Health Monitoring International Project Competition was held, with Li Hui as the chairman of the competition.


In June 2020, the publishing ceremony of the centennial history of the College of 100 years of civil engineering and 100 years of Cultivating People and the Cloud celebration of the teachers, students and alumni celebrated the centennial birthday of the college.


In June 2020, Zhi Xudong was funded by the Heilongjiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund, and Yu Xiaohui was funded by the Heilongjiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund.


In July 2020, the academic journal Journal of Engineering Management sponsored by the college was again selected as an excellent one in the 2019 comprehensive evaluation of academic journals organized by the Propaganda Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, and ranked among the top five of the 140 natural science academic journals in Heilongjiang Province


In July 2020, the school, together with the School of Architecture, Transportation, Environment and Economics and Management, led the lead and passed the demonstration of the interdisciplinary construction of smart city.


In July 2020, the MEM office was established, with Wu Yue as the director and Man Qingpeng as the executive deputy director.


In August 2020, the project Exploration and Practice of professional Talent Training System based on four oriented Rural Infrastructure Construction hosted by Fan Feng was approved as a new agricultural science research and reform practice project.


In August 2020, Tang Aiping led the Exploration and practice of the Professional Construction of Rural Ecological Environment Security and Restoration Engineering, and was approved as a provincial and ministerial new agricultural science project.


In August 2020, One Hundred Years of Civil Engineering and One Hundred Years of Cultivating People -- One Hundred Years of History of School of Civil Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology was officially published after two years of compilation work.


In September 2020, the first 48 part-time Master of Engineering Management (MEM) graduate students were enrolled.


In October 2020, the alumni held the centennial Anniversary return activity, and a series of activities were held, such as the opening ceremony of the civil engineering research building, the unveiling ceremony of the Siyuan Stone, the opening ceremony of the college history hall, and the collective awarding ceremony of the donated alumni, etc.


In October 2020, the Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Intelligent Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology passed the evaluation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


In October 2020, Structural Mechanics A (1) taught by Li Qiang and Steel Structure A (1) taught by Shao Yongsong were rated as national first-class undergraduate courses.


In December 2020, the two post-doctoral research stations of civil Engineering and mechanics were awarded the national Excellent Postdoctoral Research Station in the National Postdoctoral Research Station evaluation.


In December 2020, the Vortex Dynamics Mechanism and Control of Wind Effect on Long-span Bridges led by Professor Li Hui won the first prize of Natural Science of Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2020, the Research and Application of Anti-explosion and Anti-impact Resistance in Large Cross Space Structure led by Professor Fan Feng won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2020, wu Yue and others edited the project of Structural Wind Engineering and Wind Resistance Design, and won the first prize of the first Heilongjiang Provincial Teaching material Construction Award.


In January 2021, the college was approved as the Intelligent Civil Engineering international Cooperation training program for innovative talents.


In February 2021, the engineering management major was approved as a national first-class major construction site; the urban underground space engineering major was approved as a provincial first-class major; and the new major of civil engineering intelligent construction was approved.


In July 2021, the front page of Guangming Daily reported shen Shizhao's advanced deeds.


In July 2021, China Youth Daily reported that the university's top ten ideological and political practice project was Entering the FAST Elite Team.


In July 2021, Yang Hua was funded by Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Fund Project, and Zhang Qingwen and Lai Ma Shujin were funded by Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Fund Project.


In August 2021, in the first round of double first-class construction effectiveness evaluation of civil engineering discipline, overall situation was selected as the first stage of significant, and it was selected as training excellent discipline.


In August 2021, Liu Xiuming, a doctoral student in 2016, won the Half Valley Award of the International Association for Thin Shell and Space Structure (IASS), which selects only 4 people in the world every year.


In September 2021, Chen Wenli was appointed as the Party Secretary and Vice President of the College.


In September 2021, the college and the Institute of Technology jointly applied for and was approved as the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Emergency Management of Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Emergency Control.


In September 2021, Research on basic theory of steel and Design Method and Engineering Application of steel plate and steel plate concrete combined shear wall structure led by Guo Lanhui was approved as the first prize of Science and Technology of China Steel Structure Association.


In September 2021, Liu Xiuming's team of class 2016 won the gold medal of Internet + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Heilongjiang Provincial College Students.


In October 2021, Zhao Wei won the special prize of the first Course Ideological and Political Teaching Competition of Heilongjiang Province.


In November 2021, the civil engineering major passed the engineering education certification.


In November 2021, the Youth League Committee of the college was awarded as the 2021 Excellent Social practice unit of Three to the countryside for college and technical secondary school students in Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2021, the college was selected as 16 textbooks of the 14th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; 1 textbook and 1 monograph of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; and was approved as the key subject of education science planning of Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2021, Flow Field Measurement and Flow Display Virtual Simulation Experiment, Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Project Management and Load and Structure Design Method were approved as the first-class course in Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2021, the college held the first Ice and Snow Structure International Invitational Competition, and 11 teams from the Netherlands and Russia participated in the competition.


In December 2021, Key Technology and Application of New High-performance Steel-Concrete Combination Structure led by Wang Yuyin won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Heilongjiang Province; High Performance and Multi-function Regulation Mechanism of Nano Cement Base Material led by Xiao Huagang won the first prize of Natural Science of Heilongjiang Province.


In December 2021, Chen Wenli led the Theory and Key control Technologies of wind and rain induced Vibration and Multi-mode vortex-induced Vibration of Bridge and Sling, which was approved as the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Highway Society.


In December 2021, Li Shuang was selected to the National High-level Talents Youth Program.


In March 2022, the steel and wood branch passed the national party building work model branch successfully through the acceptance.


In March 2022, the second Party Branch of large cross-space doctoral students was selected into the third batch of national Party building mass entrepreneurship and innovation model branch of the Ministry of Education.


In April 2022, the Youth League Committee of the College won the honorary title of the May fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee of Heilongjiang Province in 2021.


In May 2022, Lu Dagang was the project leader of the national project of Transportation Infrastructure, which was approved and launched.


In May 2022, Jin Yingjian, a master student of 2021, was awarded the 10th Outstanding Youth Volunteer of Heilongjiang Province.


In June 2022, Professor Fan Feng was appointed vice president of Harbin Institute of Technology.


In June 2022, the civil engineering major passed the engineering education certification.


In June 2022, the major of Urban Underground Space Engineering was approved as a national first-class undergraduate major construction site.


In June 2022, Professor Li Hui and Professor Xu Xiang made important breakthroughs in the field of ceramic aerogel thermal insulation, and the results were published in Nature (Nature).


In June 2022, Shao Yongsong led the Research and Practice of 'two approaches + three links', progressive civil engineering innovative talent cultivation won the second prize of provincial Teaching Achievement Award.


In July 2022, Professor Li Hui won the first prize of Contribution Award from the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.


In July 2022, the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for the Development and Utilization of Low-carbon Buildings in the Cold Region passed the acceptance inspection.


In August 2022, the 7th Seminar on civil Engineering Discipline Construction of Harbin Institute of Technology was held in the main school.


In August 2022, the college undertook the Third National Teaching Seminar for Young Teachers in Civil Engineering major, and also hosted the Heilongjiang Civil Engineering Major Construction and Education and Teaching Seminar simultaneously.


In August 2022, the school organized the Tangible Structure • Unlimited Innovation Architectural Structure Young and Middle-aged Expert Forum (Harbin Station) meeting.


In September 2022, the College, as the co-organizer, hosted the 2022 International Space Structure Academic Exchange Conference and the Asia-Pacific Space Structure Exchange Conference (IASS / APCS 2022).


In September 2022, the course of Bridge Wind Engineering taught by Chen Wenli was selected into the ideological and political course of Heilongjiang Province.


In September 2022, Fan Shaoyong won the first prize of excellent works of online Education in provincial universities.


In September 2022, Liu Xiuming, a doctoral student of 2016, was awarded the honorary title of upward and Good Youth in Heilongjiang Province in 2021-2022.


In September 2022, Guo Lanhui was funded by the Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Fund Project, and Wang Yonghui and Liu were initiated by the Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Fund Project.


In September 2022, Wen Weiping was supported by the National Science Foundation for Outstanding Young Scholars.


In October 2022, zhang Quan, a 2019 undergraduate student, was reported by mainstream media such as CNR and Guangming Daily, and related interviews were broadcast on CCTV News.


In October 2022, Xian guijun won the title of National High-level Talent.
