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    发布人:贾岩 发布时间:2018-09-17 浏览次数:984

    受国际合作部短期外国文教专家项目资助,2018年9月22日(周六)下午2:00-3:30,我校计算机学院校友、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(UTS)软件学院院长周万雷教授来访,将在新技术楼618会议室做题为“Preserving privacy in the digital age: Differential privacy and its applications”的学术报告,欢迎从事计算机科学、信息安全、软件工程等相关工作的师生参加




    Over the past two decades, digital information collected by corporations, organizations and governments has created huge amount of datasets, and the speed of such data collection has increased exponentially over the last a few years because of the pervasiveness of computing devices. However, most of the collected datasets are personally related and contain private or sensitive information. Even though curators can apply several simple anonymization techniques, there is still a high probability that the sensitive information of individuals will be disclosed. Privacy-preserving has therefore become an urgent issue that needs to be addressed in the digital age.

    Differential privacy is one of the most prevalent privacy models as it provides a rigorous and provable privacy notion that can be implemented in various research areas. In this presentation, we will start with privacy breaches and privacy models, and introduce the basic concept of differential privacy. We then will focus on the applications of differential privacy in various scenarios in which we have been working on, including Location privacy, Recommender systems, Tagging systems, and Correlated datasets. We will then finalize the talk by outlining the privacy challenges in the era of big data.
