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发布人:系统管理员 发布时间:2012-06-12 浏览次数:904





Professor Bill Ashcroft’s Last Lecture at HIT:Diaspora

Professor Bill Ashcroft gave his last lecture, Diaspora, at 2:00 pm in Room 3036 of Jixie Building of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).

Today the lecture isProfessor Ashcroft’slast one before he goes back to Australia, which attracts more audience than the former three. This lecture is about Diaspora and Displacement. The definition of diaspora is very complicated. Diasporas are expatriate minority communities that are dispersed from an original "center" to at least two "peripheral" places; that maintain a "memory, vision, or myth about their original homeland"; that "believe they are not-and perhaps cannot be-fully accepted by their host country"; that see the ancestral home as a place of eventual return, when the time is right; that are committed to the maintenance or restoration of this homeland; and whose consciousness and solidarity as a group are "importantly defined" by this continuing relationship with the homeland. The diasporic community meets many problems about gender, race, class, religion, language, generation, and relationship with the majority culture. Life for women in diasporic situations can be doubly painful---struggling with the material and spiritual insecurities of exile, with the demands of family and work, and with the claims of old and new patriarchies.The most serious problem of the diasporas is that they also have to suffer the challenge and shifting of their cultural identity or subjectivity

AsProfessor Ashcrofthas given four lectures, the audience is familiar with him and the atmosphere is relaxing and pleasant. The last lecture is more precious for the audience, so they cherish the chance to ask Professor Ashcroft questions. About the borders of the diasporas, Professor Kedong Liu takes the American Indians as example for the issue who trespass the border.Professor Ashcrofthumorously complements that the American Indians do not cross the border, but it is the border that cross them. A student asks about the shifting of identity, and he takes the example that a person goes abroad and the life is much better than at home, so the person does not want to return and his or her identity is changed. Relating to this question, Professor Ashcroft tells the audience that there is also the third way of diaspora, which means the diaspora’s memory is locked in the past, but the home is changing. There are also more questions and answers, and both the audience andProfessor Ashcroftenjoy the end of the last lecture.

Professor Ashcroft’s series of lectures has successfully come to an end, and theHIT School of Foreign Languageswill try its best to host more brilliant and wonderful lectures. Please pay attention to the relevant notice from the HIT School of Foreign Languages. You will not be disappointed.

By Catherine Junmin LIU


Bill Ashcroft在讲座

