大学英语第一教学部承担全校非英语专业本科生中级班(双年)的大学英语教学工作。大学英语第一教学部在岗教师25人,其中教学带头人1人;教授2人,副教授14人,讲师9人;具有博士学位教师2人;20人有国外留学经历。 近年来,大学英语第一教学部完成国家、省、校级教学改革项目多项;在国内外各类学术刊物上公开发表论文百余篇;出版教材、教学辅导书、编著等20余部。2007年“大学英语”课程被评为省级精品课程。
The First College English Teaching Office undertakes the teaching tasks of college English courses for the non-English major undergraduates in general classes at HIT. In this office, there are totally 25 teachers, including 2 professors, 14 associate professors and 9 lecturers. Among them, one is with the title of Academic Leader in Teaching. Five teachers won excellent teaching awards. Two have doctoral degrees and 23 have master degrees. Twenty teachers have overseas learning and research experiences. Recently, the First College English Teaching Office has completed 13 teaching reform projects, including those sponsored by the Ministry of Education and those by the Heilongjiang provincial government. More than one hundred papers were published in various journals at home and abroad including CSSCI journals such as Foreign Language Research, Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice, Foreign Languages and Teaching as well as international journals such as Intercultural Communication Studies. More than 20 textbooks and supplementary books were compiled and published over the years and some by nationally-renowned press such as Foreign Language and Teaching Research Press, etc. Dozens of teaching and research prizes were awarded to teachers in the First College English Teaching Office at school, provincial levels and one at national level. In 2007, the College English Course was rated one of the Select Courses in Heilongjiang Province.
