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The Graduate English Teaching Department now has 21 teachers, of whom there are 3 professors, 16 associate professors and 2 lecturers. Two staff members are Academic Leaders in Teaching, one is with the Distinguished Teacher title and four are master degree supervisors. Eleven staff members have doctoral degrees and 10 have master degrees. One teacher is under 35 inage, 14 are between 35 and 45 years old and 6 above 45. Eighteen members have overseas education and research experiences in world-renowned universities in English-speaking countries such as America, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore. The office invites foreign teachers every semester to consolidate English teaching for non-English major masters and Ph.D. candidates.

In recent years, one teacher in the Graduate English Teaching Office has won the second prize in National Teaching Achievement Award, Over 10 have won teaching awards in provincial and school levels; 4 have gained the provincial excellent achievement awards in humanities and social science; one has been granted the title of HIT Distinguished Teacher and 5 have been recognized as Model Teachers in the School of Foreign Languages. Teachers in the Graduate English Teaching Office have published nearly 100 papers in domestic and foreign journals and have taken charge of or participated as major members in over 30 research projects including one national level project and over 20 provincial ones. They have also edited over 20 textbooks.

At present, English courses are conducted for non-English major graduate students in 20 schools and departments, including 36 departments and more than 100 majors. Annually there are over 4200 graduate students who take these courses (in both Spring and Autumn Semesters) including 3100 master candidates, 910 doctor candidate, 130 master of engineering students and 60 MBA candidates. English courses for master candidates last for half a year, about 32 academic periods (50 min per period). English courses for PhD candidates also last half a year, about 72 academic periods (50 min per period). Among all the graduate level courses in Harbin Institute of Technology, the graduate English course is taken by the majority of students, and has the heaviest teaching load. The course is student-oriented and conducted in such a way that students are encouraged to take active part in class. They are encouraged to use the Internet to conduct independent study and also communicate with teachers after classes, for them to be prepared in international academic arena. The course is diversified, personalized, network-based and internationalized.

Since 2001, the Graduate English Teaching Department has held the graduate students English Speaking Contest (for masters and Ph.D. students), English Drama Performances (for masters) and simulated international academic conferences (Ph.D. students) in each semester. Until now, dozens of master students have participated in the provincial English contests and have won prizes in the provincial level in the CCTV Cup English Speaking Contest. Regular academic activities, language and culture lectures given by foreign teachers, and graduate students' self-study via Internet all provide ways and new platforms for the students' language practice and individualized study. These diversified activities have enriched the teaching and learning experiences and become a distinguished feature of the second-classroom of graduate English teaching.
