    Site: homepage Seminars
    2019.09.08 3DEM technique from nanoscale to mesoscale
    Publisher:高雪 Time2019-09-02 View:184

    Fei Sun,Ph.D

    Center for Biology Imaging (CBI), Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Time:9:00am-11:00am, 8thSeptember, 2019

    Venue:Room 305, Mingde Building

    Host:Zhiwei Huang, Professor


    Biological electron microscopy has gone into a new era with great advances of specimen preparation, instrumentation and data processing. With the three dimensional reconstruction technique, the three dimensional electron microscopy (3DEM) has been becoming important approaches to image the biological system in high resolution and multiple scales. Based on the principle of the methodology itself, 3DEM can be classified into several categories to meet different needs from structural biology to cell biology. In this talk, I will summarize my personal view of different 3DEM techniques and then introduce the relevant technology developments in our biological imaging center (CBI-IBP,
