The International Center for Applied Mechanics (ICAM), led by Mechanics Subject in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), is a platform for international exchanges and collaborations in applied mechanics. HIT-ICAM aims to conduct high-level studies on Mechanical Behaviors of Materials and Structures inComposite Structures and Mechanics,Smart Materials and Structures,Multifunctional Composite Materials and Multi-field Coupling Mechanics, andDynamics and Vibration Control. In fundamental researches of mechanics, HIT- ICAM strives to become a leading organization that gathers world-class talents in mechanics and flourishes the internationalization of applied mechanics.

Relied on the Center of Composite Materials and Structures, the Department of Astronautical Science and Mechanics, and the Center of Aircraft Dynamics and Control in HIT, ICAM shares the research and teaching platforms as well as resources with the National Engineering Mechanics Teaching Base and the National Mechanics Experiments Teaching Demonstration Center.

Currently, HIT-ICAM has several open positions for college teachers, post-doctoral researchers, PhDs, short-term researchers, and visiting scholars. We sincerely welcome outstanding scholars from leading universities and research institutes worldwide to join us and pursue excellence together.

Please visit more information about HIT-ICAM.
