Associate Prof. Fengfeng Li



Associate prof. Fengfeng Li obtained her Bachelor and PhD degrees in the field of Mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2014 and 2020, respectively. She served as an Lecture in Harbin Institute of Technology and is a member of the Center for Smart Materials and Structure since 2020. In 2021, she was selected into the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talent, which is established and implemented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Postdoctoral Administration Committee.

Research Fields

Mechanics of Shape Memory Polymer Composite, Deployable Structures based on Shape Memory Polymer Composite, Mechanics of Materials, Experimental Mechanics


Associate prof. Fengfeng Li

Department of Astronautical Science and Mechanics

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

PO Box 301, No. 92 West Dazhi Street, Harbin 150001, PR China.


Tel.: 0086451-86403768(0)
