题目:Completely Bounded Lp Multipliers
报告人:Parasar Mohanty(Indian Institite of Technology Kanpur)
摘要:For a locally compact group G the space of left translation invariant operators, or multiplierson Lp(G) (1 ≤ p < ∞) is denoted by Mp(G). Lp(G) is endowed with its canonical operator spacestructure that is induced by complex interpolation. The space of completely bounded multipliersis denoted by Mpcb(G). Pisier first showed that if G is compact abelian then Mpcb(G) ⊊ Mp(G)for p ≠ 1, 2. Later on this result was extended to other groups. In this talk we will address thecharacterisation problem of Mpcb(G) in terms of its pre-dual and some sharp inclusion resultsbetween Mpcb(G) for different p’s for abelian G.