题目:Derivations on Murray-von Neumann algebras
报告人:Karimbergen Kudaybergenov(乌兹别克斯坦科学院V.I. Romanovskiy数学研究所)
Zoom会议号:858 6332 1599,会议密码:221206
摘要:In the first part of the course we shall mainly discuss derivations on bounded operator algebras. The main attention will be the three celebrated results: Kaplansky-Singer Theorem; Sakai`s continuity theorem and Kadison-Sakai theoremthat all derivations on von Neumann algebras are inner. In second part we move to discuss the description of derivations on unbounded operatoralgebras, mainly on Murray-von Neumann algebras. At the end we shall consider some open problems.