题目:Isometric embeddability of S_m^q into S_n^p
报告人:Samya Kumar Ray(印度统计研究所)
Zoom会议,会议号:882 8540 7533,密码:028422
摘要:One of the most important questions in Banach space geometry is when does a Ba-nach space embed into another Banach space isometrically or almost isometrically.In this talk, we discuss some results regarding existence of isometric embeddings of S_m^q into S_n^p where S_n^p is the usual Schatten-p class over n × n complex matrices. We also present some results when p and q are also allowed to be less than l.We will explain several new ingredients related to perturbation theory of linear operators, namely Kato-Rellich theorem, theory of multiple operator integrals,norm-parallelism and Birkhoff-James orthogonality, followed by thorough and careful case by case analysis, which are essential to our work. This talk is based onwork done in collaboration with Arup Chattopadhya, Guixiang Hong, Avijit Paland Chandan Pradhan.