

    1.端木昊随(withDaniel Roy, Aaron Smith),Existence of matching priors on compact spaces,Biometrika,to appear.

    2.端木昊(withDavid Schrittesser, William Weiss),Loeb extension and Loeb equivalence,Fundamenta Mathematicae,to appear.

    3.端木昊(withRobert Anderson, Aaron Smith),Mixing times and hitting times for general Markov processes.Israel Journal of Mathematics,to appear.

    4.黄可平(with Jason Bell, Keping Huang, Wayne Peng, Thomas W. Tucker), A Tits alternative for endomorphisms of the projective line.J. Eur. Math. Soc., to appear.

    5.洪桂祥(withS. Wang, W. Wang), Pointiwse convergence of noncommutative Fourier series,Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., in press.

    6.洪桂祥(withX. Lai, S. Ray and B. Xu), Noncommutative maximal strong Lp estimates of Calderon-Zygmund operators,Isarel J. Math., in press.

    7.黄景灏(withFedor Sukochev.),Hermitian operators and isometries on symmetric operator spaces,Journal of the European Mathematical Society, to appear.

    8.黄景灏(withMarius Junge, Fedor Sukochev, Dmitriy Zanin.),Embedding of symmetric operator spaces into $L_p$-spaces, $1\le p<2$, on finite von Neumann algebras,Israel Journal of Mathematics, to appear.

    9.黄景灏(withSergey Astashkin, Marat Pliev, Fedor Sukochev, Dmitriy Zanin.),Optimal range of Haar martingale transforms and its applications,International Mathematics Research Notices, to appear.

    10.赖旭东,Sharp estimates of noncommutative Bochner-Riesz means on two-dimensional quantum tori,Comm.Math. Phys.,to appear.

    11.李科(with Yongsheng Yao),Operational interpretation of the sandwiched Rényi divergence of order 1/2 to 1 as strong converse exponents.Commun. Math. Phys., in press.arXiv:2209.00554.

    12.李科(withYongsheng Yao),Strong converse exponent for entanglement-assisted communication.IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, in press.arXiv:2209.00555.

    13.春晖,Control of the non-geometrically integral reductions,Int.J.Number Theory, to appear.

    14.刘春晖,Fibres non réduites d'un schéma arithmétique,Math.Z.,toappear.

    15.刘春晖,Counting multiplicities in a hypersurface over finite field,Kyoto J.Math,toappear.

    16.隋哲楠(withW.Sun),Lipschitz Continuous Hypersurfaces with Prescribed Curvature and Asymptotic Boundary in Hyperbolic Space,Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,to appear.

    17.王智拓,Phase Transitions in Square Hubbard Model,to appear.

    18.许全华,Holomorphic functional calculus and vector-valued Littlewood-Paley-Stein theory for semigroups. Submitted.

    19.许全华(with Z. Chen and N. Randrianantoanina),Atomic decompositions for noncommutative martingales. Submitted.



    1.洪桂祥(withX. Lai and L. Wang),Fourier restriction on quantum Euclidean spaces,Adv. Math., 430 (2023) 109232.

    2.洪桂祥(with S. Ray and S. Wang),Maximal ergodic inequalities for some positive operators on noncommutative Lp-spaces,J.London. Math. Soc., 108 (2023), no. 1, 362-408.

    3.洪桂祥(withX. Lai and B. Xu),Maximal singular integral operators acting on noncommutative Lp-spaces,Math. Ann.386 (2023), no. 1-2, 375–414.

    4.洪桂祥(withW. Wang and X. Wu),Wavelet Characterizations of Operator-Valued Hardy Spaces,Int. Math. Res. Notes, 2023 (2023), 13978-14005.

    5.洪桂祥(withChattopadhyay, C. Pradhan and S. Ray),On isometric embeddability of Sq into Sp as non-commutative quasi-Banach spaces,Proc. A Royal Soc. Edinburgh,doi:10.1017/prm.2023.54, 1-24.

    6.洪桂祥(withY. Chen, G. Hong, J. Li),Quantitative weighted bounds for the q-variation of singular integrals with rough kernels,J. Four. Anal. Appl.(2023) 29:31.

    7.洪桂祥(withY. Chen), The L2-Boundedness of the Variational Calderón–Zygmund Operators,J. Geom. Anal.(2023) 33:73.

    8.胡怡宁,On the union-closed sets conjecture.Discrete Math.346, No. 8, (2023).

    9.胡怡宁,On a family of 2-automatic sequences generating algebraic continued fractions in characteristic 2.Finite Fields Appl.88, (2023).

    10.黄景灏(withPliev, Marat; Sukochev, Fedor (Strongly-),Dunford-Pettis operators and narrow operators.Integral Equations Operator Theory95 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 22, 21 pp.

    11.黄景灏(withBer, A.; Sukochev, F.), Norms of skew-adjoint derivations with values in the predual of a semifinite von Neumann algebra.J. Funct. Anal. 285 (2023), no. 8, Paper No. 110072, 23 pp.

    12.黄景灏(withFedor Sukochev.),Derivations with values in noncommutative symmetric spaces,Comptes Rendus Mathématique361 (2023) , 1357-1365.

    13.黄景灏(withMarat Pliev, Fedor Sukochev.), A noncommutative Gretsky--Ostroy Theorem and application,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151 (2023), no. 3, 1147-1155.

    14.黄景灏(withBer, Aleksey; Huang, Jinghao; Kudaybergenov, Karimbergen; Sukochev, Fedor), Non-existence of translation-invariant derivations on algebras of measurable functions.Quaest. Math.46 (2023), no. 5, 909–926.

    15.黄景灏(withKudaybergenov, Karimbergen; Sukochev, Fedor), Ring derivations of Murray–von Neumann algebras.Linear Algebra Appl. 672 (2023), 28–52.

    16.黄景灏(withNonna Dzhusoeva, Jinghao Huang, Marat Pliev, Fedor Sukochev), Lateral order on complex vector lattices and narrow operators,Mathematische Nachrichten,Volume 296, Issue 11 (2023), 5157-5170

    17.赖旭东(withGuixiang Hong, Liang Wang.),Fourier restriction estimates on quantum Euclidean spaces,Adv. Math.430 (2023) 109232.

    18.赖旭东,Weak type (1,1) behavior for the Littlewood-Paley g-function,Colloq. Math., 171 (2023), no. 2, 285-302.

    19.赖旭东(withGuixiang Hong,Bang Xu.),Maximal singular integral operators acting on noncommutative Lp-spaces,Math. Ann.386 (2023), no. 1-2, 375-414.

    20.李科(withYongsheng Yao, Masahito Hayashi),Tight Exponential Analysis for Smoothing theMax-Relative Entropy and for Quantum PrivacyAmplification.IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.69 (3) (2023), 1680-1694.

    21.王国栋(withZuo Bijun.),Location of concentrated vortices in planar steady Euler flows.Commun. Math. Sci.21 (2023), no. 2, 517–527.

    22.王国栋,Stability of 2D Steady Euler flows related to least energy solutions of the Lane-Emden equation.J. Differential Equations, 342 (2023), 596–621.

    23.王珺(with Emmanuel Lecouturier),Level compatibility in Sharifi’s conjecture,Canadian Mathematical Bulletin , Volume 66 , Issue 4 , December 2023 , pp. 1194 - 1212

    24.王斯萌(withGuixiang Hong, Samya Kumar Ray), Maximal ergodic inequalities for some positive operators on noncommutative Lp-spaces.J. Lond. Math. Soc., 108 (2023), 362-408.

    25.王斯萌(withYan Pautra),Ke Li's lemma for quantum hypothesis testing in general von Neumann algebras.Ann. Henri Poincaré, 24 (2023), 2323-2339.

    26.王斯萌(withAmaury Freslon,Frank Taipe),Tannaka-Krein reconstruction and ergodic actions of easy quantum groups.Comm. Math. Phys. 399 (2023), 105-172.

    27.王斯萌(withPanchugopal Bikram, Kunal Mukherjee, Eric Ricard),On the factoriality of q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras.Comm. Math. Phys., 398 (2023), 797-821.

    28.王智拓(withVincent Rivasseau),Honeycomb Hubbard Model at van Hove Filling,Communications in Mathematical physics期卷401, pages 25692642 (2023).

    29.熊欢(withZhicong Lin,Sherry H.F. Yan.),Combinatorics of Integer Partitions with Prescribed Perimeter.Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 197, 105747, 2023.

    30.熊欢(withH Chen, YG Wang),Lower and upper bounds for numbers of linear regions of graph convolutional networks,Neural Networks168, 394-404, 2023.

    31.熊欢(withH Jiang, S Anumasa, G De Masi, B Gu),A unified optimization framework of ANN-SNN conversion: towards optimal mapping from activation values to firing rates,International Conference on Machine Learning, 14945-14974, 2023. (ICML)


    1.端木昊随(withRobert M. Anderson,M. A.Khan, M. Uyanik.),On abstract economies with an arbitrary set of players and action sets in locally-convex topological vector spaces.Journal of Mathematical Economics, 98 (2022) 102581.

    2.黄景灏(withOlga Sadovskaya, Fedor Sukochev.),On Arazy's problem concerning isomorphic embeddings of ideals of compact operators,Advances in Mathematics, 406 (2022), 108530.

    3.黄景灏(withMarat Pliev, Fedor Sukochev.),On Narrow Operators from \(L_p\) into Operator Ideals,Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 19, Article number: 208 (2022).

    4.赖旭东,Noncommutative maximal operators with rough kernels,Analysis & PDE.2022.

    5.赖旭东,On vector-valued singular integral operators with rough kernels,Math. Nachr.2022.

    6.赖旭东,Sharp estimates of noncommutative Bochner-Riesz means on two-dimensional quantum tori.Comm. Math. Phys.390 (2022), no. 1, 193-230.

    7.王国栋(withCao Daomin, Wan Jie, Zhan Weicheng.), Asymptotic behaviour of global vortex rings. Nonlinearity 35 (2022), no. 7, 3680–3705.

    8.王国栋(withZuo Bijun.),Global existence of weak solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with temperature-depending viscosity coefficients.SIAM J. Math. Anal.54 (2022), no. 3, 3724–3756.

    9.王国栋,Nonlinear stability of planar steady Euler flows associated with semistable solutions of elliptic problems.Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.375 (2022), no. 7, 5071–5095.

    10.王国栋(withZuo Bijun.), Energy equality for weak solutions to the 3Dmagnetohydrodynamic equations in a bounded domain. Discrete Contin.Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 27(2022), no. 2, 1001–1027.

    11.王斯萌(withAmaury Freslon, Lucas Teyssier),Cutoff profiles for quantum Lévy processes and quantum random transpositions. Probab.Theory Related Fields, 183 (2022), no. 3-4, 1285-1327.

    12.熊欢(withRui Gao, Jun Liao, Heguo Liu,Xingzhong Xu.), A Note on Systems of Equations of Power Sums.Mathematical Notes, 111(5-6), 855-869, 2022.

    13.许全,Optimal orders of the best constants in the Littlewood-Paley inequalities.Journal of Functional Analysis. 283(6), 109570, 2022.

    14.许全华(with T. Mei and E. Ricard),A Hörmander-Mikhlin multiplier theory for free groups and amalgamated free products of von Neumann algebras.Adv. Math.403 (2022), Paper No. 108394, 32 pp.


    1.崔嫣,Estimation and inference of time-varying auto-covariance under complex trend: A difference-based approach,Electronic Journal of Statistics,15 (2021), 4264-4294.

    2.矫贺明(withJ. Chu),Curvature estimates for a class of Hessian type equations,Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations,

    60(2021), No.90 .

    3.侯倩倩(withT. C.Lin and Z.Wang),On a singularly perturbed semi-linear problem with robin boundary conditions,Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 26(2021), The special issue 20 years of DCDS-B''.

    4.赖旭东(with G.Hu, Q.Xue),On the compositions of rough singular integral operators,J. Geom. Anal.,31 (2021) , 2742-2765.

    5.(with X. Liu, D. Zhang, B. Wu),Superconvergence of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for one dimensional nonlinear convection-diffusion equations,J. Sci. Comput.,87 (2021), No.39.

    6.孟雄(with X. Liu, D. Zhang, B. Wu),Superconvergence of local discontinuous Galerkin methods with generalized alternating fluxes for 1D linear convection-diffusion equations,Sci. China Math., 64(2021), 1305-1320.

    7.Nikita Evseev,Vector-valued Sobolev spaces based on Banach function spaces,Nonlinear Analysis, 211 (2021), No. 112479.

    8.隋哲楠,Convex hypersurfaces with prescribed scalar curvature and asymptotic boundary in hyperbolic space,Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 60 (2021),No.45.

    9.王国栋(with D. Cao),Nonlinear stability of planar vortex patches in an ideal fluid,J. Math. Fluid Mech., 23 (2021), No.58.

    10.王国栋(with D. Cao, B. Zuo),Existence of steady symmetric vortex patch in a disk,J. Math. Fluid Mech., 23 (2021), No.20.

    11.王国栋(with D. Cao, J. Wan, W. Zhan),Rotating vortex patches for the planar euler equations in a disk,J. Differential Equations, 275 (2021), 509-532.

    12.王国,On 2D steady Euler flows with small vorticity near the boundary,J. Differential Equations, 270 (2021), 24-46.

    13.王国栋(with B. Zuo),On radial symmetry of rotating vortex patches in the disk,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,495 (2021), No. 124695.

    14.吴黎明,张朝恩(with W.Liu),Long-time behaviors of mean-field interacting particle systems related to McKean-Vlasov equations,Comm. Math. Phys.,387 (2021), 179-214.

    15.许全华(withM. Junge),Notes on real interpolation of operator Lp,ActaMath. Sci., 41 (2021), 2173-2182.

    16.张超(with Y. Fang),Gradient Holder regularity for parabolic normalized p(x,t)-Laplace equation,J. Differential Equations, 295 (2021), 211-232.

    17.张超(with M. Ding, S. Zhou),Local boundedness and Holder continuity for the parabolic fractional p-Laplace equations,Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 60 (2021), No.38.

    18.臧经涛(with Robert X.J. Hao, Erin Y.Y. Shen),A rank of partitions with overline designated summands,Discrete Math., 344 (2021), No. 112556.

    19.臧经涛(with H. Xiong),On the polynomiality and asymptotics of moments of sizes for random (n,dn±1)-core partitions with distinct parts,Sci. China Math., 64 (2021), 869-886.


    1.边伟(with X. Chen),A smoothing proximal gradient algorithm for nonsmooth convex regression with cardinality penalty,SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 58 (2020), 858-883.

    2.方健(with T. Aye and Y. Pan),On a population model in discrete periodic habitat. I. Spreading speed and optimaldispersal strategy,J. Differential Equations, 269 (2020), 9653-9679.

    3.方健(with X. Lai and F. Wang),Spatial dynamics of a dengue transmission model in time-space periodic environment,J. Differential Equations, 269 (2020), 149-175.

    4.方健(with T. Aye and Y. Pan),On a population model in discrete periodic habitat. I. Spreading speed and optimal

    dispersal strategy,J. Differential Equations, 269 (2020), 9653-9679.

    5.赖旭东,Maximal operator for the higher order Calderón commutator,Canad J. Math.,72 (2020), 1386-1422.

    6.赖旭东,Multilinear estimates for Calder'on commutators,Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2020, 7097-7138.

    7.李祝春,薛小平(with X. Zhao),Stability in a Hebbian network of Kuramoto oscillators with second-order couplings for binary pattern retrieve,SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.,19 (2020), 1124-1159.

    8.李祝春(with X. Zhao),Synchronization in Kuramoto oscillators for power grids with dynamic voltage,Nonlinearity, 33 (2020), 6624-6661.

    9.李祝春(with S.-Y. Ha and X. Zhang),On the critical exponent of the one-dimensional Cucker-Smale model on a general graph,Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 30 (2020), 1653-1703.

    10.孟雄(with Y. Xu, C. Shu,Q. Zhang),Superconvergence analysis of the Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for a linear hyperbolic equation,J. Sci. Comput., 84 (2020), No.23.

    11.孟雄(with M. Liu, B. Wu),Optimal error estimates of the discontinuous Galerkin method with upwind-biased fluxes for 2D linear variable coefficients hyperbolic equations,J. Sci. Comput., 83 (2020), No.9.

    12.孟雄(with J. Li, D. Zhang, B. Wu, Q. Zhang),Discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear scalar conservation laws: generalized local Lax-Friedrichs numerical fluxes,SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 58 (2020), 1-20.

    13.孟雄(with J. Li, D. Zhang, B. Wu),Analysis of local discontinuous Galerkin methods with generalized numerical fluxes for linearized KdV equations,Math. Comp., 89 (2020), 2085-2111.

    14.Nikita Evseev (with А. Menovschikov),Sobolev space of functions valued in a monotone Banach family,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,492 (2020),No.124440.
    15.隋哲楠,Strictly locally convex hypersurfaces with prescribed curvature and boundary in space forms,Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 45 (2020), 253-283.

    16.王国栋(with D. Cao),Existence of steady multiple vortex patches to the vortex-wave system,Pacific J. Math., 308 (2020), 257-279.

    17.王国栋(with B. Zuo),Steady vortex patches near a rotating flow with constant vorticity in a planar bounded domain,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 487 (2020), No. 124012.

    18.王国栋(with D. Cao),A note on steady vortex flows in two dimensions,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148 (2020), 1153-1159.

    19.王国栋(with D. Cao, J. Wan),Steady vortex patch with polygonal symmetry for the planar Euler equations in a disc,Nonlinear Anal.Real World Appl., 51 (2020), No.103008.

    20.王国栋(with D. Cao, W. Zhan),Desingularization of vortices for two-dimensional steady Euler flows via thevorticity method,SIAM J. Math. Anal., 52 (2020), 5363-5388.

    21.许全华,Vector-valued Littlewood-Paley-Stein Theory for Semigroups II,Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 21 (2020), 7769-7791.

    22.熊枭(with E. McDonald, F. Sukochev),Quantum differentiability on noncommutative Euclidean spaces,Comm. Math. Phys., 379 (2020), 491-542.

    23.尹智(with X. Yan, L. Li),Quantum alpha-fdelity of unitary orbits,Quantum Inf.Process,19 (2020),No.307.

    24.尹智(with X. Yan, L. Li),Approximation of quantum assemblages,Phys. Lett. A,384 (2020),No.126082.

    25.尹智(with J. Gu, L. Li),Two simple causal inequalities with multi-settings,Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 59 (2020), 97-107.

    26.臧经涛(with H. Xiong),Monotonicity properties for ranks of overpartitions,J. Number Theory, 209 (2020), 330-346.

    27.张毅超(with Y.-J. Choie and W. Kohnen),Simultaneous nonvanishing of products of L-functions associated to elliptic cusp forms,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 486 (2020), No.123930.

    28.张毅超(with Y.-J. Choie),Kernels for products of Hilbert L-functions,Math. Z., 295(2020), 87-99.

    29.张毅超,Half-integral weight modular forms and modular forms for Weil representations,Manuscripta Math., 163 (2020), 507-536.


    1.方健(with N. Sun),Delayed reaction-diffusion equation with free boundaries,Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 58 (2019),No.148.

    2.侯倩倩(with Z. Wang),Stability of boundary layers for the keller-segel system with singular sensitivity in the half-plane,J. Math. Pures Appl., 130(2019), 251-287.

    3.赖旭东(withY. Ding),A note on weak type (1,1) estimate for the higher order commutator of Christ-Journ'e type,Anal. Theory Appl.,35 (2019), 268-287.

    4.赖旭东(withY. Ding),Weak type (1,1) bound criterion for singular integral with rough kernel and its application,

    Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,371(2019), 1649-1675.

    5.李祝春(with Y.-P. Choi),Synchronization of nonuniform Kuramoto oscillators for power grids with general connectivity and dampings,Nonlinearity, 32 (2019), 559-583.

    6.孟雄(with J. Li, D. Zhang, B. Wu),Analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods with upwind-biased fluxes for one dimensional linear hyperbolic equations with degenerate variable coefficients,J. Sci. Comput., 78 (2019), 1305-1328.

    7.许全华(with N. Randrianantoanina, L. Wu),Noncommutative Davis type decompositions and applications,J. Lond. Math. Soc.(2), 99 (2019), 97-126.

    8.熊枭(with E. McDonald, F. Sukochev),Quantum differentiability on quantum tori,Comm. Math. Phys., 371 (2019), 1231-1260.

    9.熊枭(with R. Xia),Mapping properties of operator-valued pseudo-differential operators,J. Funct. Anal., 277 (2019), 2918-2980.

    10.熊枭(with R. Xia),Operator-valued local Hardy spaces,J. OperatorTheory,277 (2019), 2918-2980.

    11.张超(with F. Yao, S. Zhou),Gradient estimates for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations with measure data,Sci. China Math., 62 (2019), 1719-1730.

    12.张毅超(withK. Joshi),Eigenform product identities for Hilbert modular forms,Math. Z., 293 (2019), 1161-1179.


    1.方健(with Y. Pan and J. Wei),Seasonal influence on age-structured invasive species with yearly generation,SIAM J. Appl.Math., 78 (2018), 1842-1862.

    2.方健(with H. Berestycki),Forced waves of the Fisher-KPP equation in a shifting environment,J. Differential Equations,

    264 (2018), 2157-2183.

    3.赖旭东(withY. Ding),A note on the discrete Fourier restriction problem,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,146(2018), 3839-3846.

    4.赖旭东(withY. Ding),On a singular integral of Christ-Journé type with homogeneous kernel,Canad.Math.Bull.,61(2018), 97-113.

    5.赖旭东(with Y. Ding),Weighted weak type (1,1) estimate for Christ-Journé type commutator,Sci. China Math.,61 (2018), 517-534.

    6.李祝春,薛小平(with X. Zhao),Formation, stability and basin of phase-locking for Kuramoto oscillators bidirectionally coupled in a ring,Netw. Heterog. Media, 15 (2018), 323-337.

    7.王智拓,Constructive Renormalization of the 2-dimensional Grosse-Wulkenhaar Model,Annales Henri Poincaré, 19(2018),2435-2490.

    8.熊枭,许全华,尹智,Sobolev, Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on quantum tori,Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 252 (2018), No.1203.

    9.尹智(with B. Collins, P. Zhong),The PPT square conjecture holds generically for some classes of independent states,J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 51 (2018), No.425301.

    10.张毅超(with W. Kohnen),On sign changes of Fourier coefficients of modular forms,Res. Number Theory, 4 (2018), No. 1.


    1.赖旭东(with Y. Ding),L1-Dini condition and limiting behavior of weak type estimate for singular integrals,Rev. Mat. Iberoam, 33 (2017), 1267-1284.

    2.许全华(with N. Yu, R. Duan),Bounds on the distance between a unital quantum channel and the convex hull of unitary channels,IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 63 (2017), 1299-1310.

    3.许全华(with T. Ma, J. L. Torrea),Weighted variation inequalities for differential operators and singular integrals in higher dimensions,Sci. China Math., 60 (2017), 1419-1442.

    4.尹智(with A. W. Harrow, M. Horodecki, M. Marcinniak, A. Rutkowski),Random and free observables saturate the Tsirelson bound for CHSH inequality,Phys. Rev. A, 95 (2017), No.032101.

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