Measure equivalence superrigidity for some generalized Higman groups

Release time:2022-10-09Views:527

Title:Measure equivalence superrigidity for some generalized Higman groups

Speakers:Jingyin Huang (Ohio State University)

Time: Thursday, October 13, 2022, 20:30-22:00.

Online access: Zoom Meeting ID:882 8540 7533, Password:028422


Abstract:In the 1950s, Higman introduced the first class of examples of infinite finitely presented groups without any non-trivial finite quotient. We study Higman groups from the viewpoint of measure equivalence - a notion introduced by Gromov as a measurable counterpart to quasi-isometry. For most Higman groups and some generalizations, we prove a strong measure equivalence rigidity theorem. In this talk, I’ll sketch the proof, discuss some of the consequences, and compare to some other measure equivalence rigidity/flexibility results in the literature. This is joint work with Camille Horbez.




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