The existence of wave operators for multi-channel problem

Release time:2022-11-11Views:495

Title:The existence of wave operators for multi-channel problem

Speaker:Qingquan DengCentral China Normal University

Time: November 12, 2022. 09:30-11:00

Location:Tencent meeting ,Meeting ID:181 676 427,Password:123456

AbstractWe consider the nonlinear Schr\{o}dinger equation$$i\psi_{t}=-\Delta\psi+F(|\psi|^{2})\psi$$in dimension 3. we prove the existence of wave operators for multi-channel problem with large final state. That is, for given final state $(E^{+},\gamma^{+},\varphi^{+})$, we can find initial data $\varphi_{0}$ such that its corresponding solution $\psi(t)$ is asymptotically give by$$\psi(t)\approx e^{it\Delta}\varphi^{+}+e^{it E^{+}+i\gamma^{+}}\phi(E^{+}).$$

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