On some applications and connections of Functional Analysis

Release time:2022-11-15Views:529

Title:On some applications and connections of Functional Analysis

Speakers:Boris Kashin(Russian Academy of Sciences)

Time:Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 16:00-17:30.

Online access:Zoom MeetingID:882 8540 7533, Password:028422


Abstract:In the last two decades, due to the rapid development of computer science, the results from functional analysis (including the geometry of convex bodies and approximation theory in normed spaces) are used rather extensively in practical applications. At the same time, the above mentioned branches of functional analysis and theoretical computer science are getting closer to each other, and methods from each of them turn out to be applicable in the other. In this talk, we will discuss a number of results that illustrate those trends.

More information about the Functional Analysis Seminar can be foundhere.

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