Some problems about a family of linear functional differential equations

Release time:2023-03-02Views:463

TitleSome problems about a family of linear functional differential equations

Spesker: Changgui Zhang (University of Lille)

Time: Tuesday, March 7, 16:00-17:00

Location: B201-1, Mingde Building


Given q between 0 and 1, one considers the following problems about the q-difference-differential equation y′(x) = ay(qx) + by(x) + f (x),where a and b are two complex numbers and where f is a rational function:

(1) The pantograph equations following Kato and McLeod;

(2) The indexes of the associated operator d/dx − aσ_q − b;

(3) The connection formulas between zero and infinity;

(4) The asymptotic behavior of the solutions at infinity.

This talk is partially based on a joint work with H. Dai and G. Chen (HITSZ).

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