Random Forests and Deep Neural Networks for Euclidean and non-Euclidean regression

Release time:2023-04-19Views:315

Title:Random Forests and Deep Neural Networks for Euclidean and non-Euclidean regression 

Speaker: Zhou YuFaculty of Economics and Management East China Normal University


Time: Friday, April 2111:00-12:00


Location:201 Mingde Building (Zone B)

AbstractNeural networks and random forests are popular and promising tools for  machine learning. We explore the proper integration of these two approaches for  nonparametric regression to improve the performance of a single approach. It  naturally synthesizes the local relation adaptivity of random forests and the strong  global approximation ability of neural networks. By utilizing advanced U-process  theory and an appropriate network structure, we obtain the minimax convergence rate  for the estimator. Moreover, we propose the novel random forest weighted local  Frechet regression paradigm for regression with non-Euclidean responses. We  establish the consistency, rate of convergence, and asymptotic normality for the  non-Euclidean random forests based estimator.

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