Differential Harnack Inequalities on General Path Spaces

Release time:2023-08-15Views:89

TitleDifferential Harnack Inequalities on General Path Spaces

Speaker:Bo WuFudan University

Time:Saturday, August19, 2023, 16:00-17:30

Location:Mingde Building B201-1

AbstractIn this talk, we will first introduce differential Harnack inequalities on general path spaces. In particular, we will derive differential Harnack inequalities on the Riemannian path spaces over a manifold(possibly with a boundary), theses inequalities extend and strengthen the recent results for manifolds without a boundary derived by Haslhofer-Kopfer-Naber[1]. As an application, by which we obtain the Li-Yau Harnack inequality in a Ricci-flat manifold with a boundary. Moreover, we will also derive the differential Harnack inequalities on the Gaussian path space with respect to the Gaussian Wiener measure.

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