C*-algebras of left cancellative small categories with Garside families

Release time:2023-11-14Views:32

Title:C*-algebras of left cancellative small categories with Garside families

Speaker:Ruijun Lin(University of Copenhagen)

Time:Wednesday, November15, 2023, 16:00-17:30

Location: B201-1, Mingde Building

AbstractRecent work by Xin Li has shown how to naturally associate C*-algebras to Garside categories and to present these as groupoid algebras for appropriately chosen groupoids, obtaining a unifying theory encompassing many important special cases. This talk will be a quick tour of Garside theory on left cancellative small categories, as well as groupoids and C*-algebras arising from them, with an application to higher-rank graphs as a typical example.

More information:Graduate Student Seminar

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