Fourier multipliers on HNN extensions

Release time:2024-04-01Views:14


Title:Fourier multipliers on HNN extensions

Speaker:RunlianXia(University of Glasgow)

Time:Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 14:30-16:00

Location: B201-1, Mingde Building

Zoom ID:946 1307 0421,Password: 371188

Abstract:Amalgamated free products and HNN extensions are the two fundamental objectsin the Bass-Serre theory. In this talk, we will introduce some Lp-bounded (1 <p < ∞) Fourier multipliers for HNN extensions, with the help of Khinchine typeinequalities on these groups. This work is a continuation of a recent work withAdrián González and Javier Parcet. It is related to the results of Mei, Ricardand Xu who proved Lp-boundedness of the same type of Fourier multipliers onamalgamated free products of von Neumann algebras.

More information about the Analysis Seminar can be foundhere.

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