Parabolic gradient regularity in Orlicz spaces and application to a chemotaxis system

Release time:2024-04-15Views:12

Title: Parabolic gradient regularity in Orlicz spaces and application to a chemotaxis system

SpeakerMichael Winkler (Paderborn University)

Time: Saturday, April 20, 2024, 17:00-18:00 

Location:Zoom MeetingMeeting ID:439 550 2599 , Password:0419

AbstractBy means of a variational approach, time-independent a priori estimates for gradients of solutions to linear parabolic equations in  some Orlicz spaces near $L^p$ is derived. These are subsequently used to rule out blow-up in a Keller-Segel type parabolic system involving certain diffusion degeneracies of arbitrary strength.


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