Hypercontractive inequalities and their extensions

Release time:2024-05-26Views:10


Title: Hypercontractive inequalities and their extensions

Speaker: Lei YU (Nankai University)

Time: Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 16:00-17:30

Venue: Room 716, Zhengxin Building

Zoom ID: 946 1307 0421, Password: 371188


Hypercontractive inequalities are a class of functional inequalities that strengthen the well-known Holder inequalities. These inequalities have found many applications in functional analysis, probability theory, discrete Fourier analysis, theoretical computer science, etc., especially in dealing with extremal problems in the geometry of high-dimensional spaces. In this talk, we will introduce hypercontractive inequalities and their extensions, including the information-theoretic characterization of hypercontractive inequalities, a non-linear strengthening of hypercontractive inequalities, and the opposite version of hypercontractive inequalities, called anti-contractive inequalities.

More information about the Analysis Seminar can be foundhere.

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