Introduction to

the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics of HIT

Founded in July 2016, the Institutefor Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM) is a research institute directly affiliated with the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) and an inseparable partner of the School of Mathematics. IASM is based on the study of mathematics, takes international first-class original innovation research and training outstanding young mathematical talents as the first priority, and is committed to promoting interdisciplinary research at the interface of mathematics, economics, physics, engineering and computer science.

IASM currently has 30 members, among which 15 are national high-level talents of various kinds, accounting for 50% of the total faculty. In addition, the institute has employed 3 international part-time chair professors, one of whom is a Fields Medal winner.

IASM is vigorously developing 3 key disciplines, namely 1) modern analysis, 2) number theory, algebra and combinatorics, 3) probability theory, statistics and their applications, and encourages interdisciplinary research. Since the establishment, the institute has been granted 41 various funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 8 postdoctoral funds. In 2020, it was awarded one Key Program from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which marked the first reception of this grant in the field of mathematics at the university. The faculties of IASM have successively published more than 80 papers in high-level journals such as Adv. Math., Biometrika, Comm. Math. Phys., Duke Math. J., IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IEEE TPAMI, J. Eur. Math. Soc., Math. Ann., Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, Proc. National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), and other international top journals. Most of them have filled the blank in the publication of mathematics journals at HIT.

IASM invites outstanding researchers working in all subjects of mathematics and related interdisciplinary fields to join us. We will provide internationally competitive compensation, benefits and research funding according to academic and personal experience. Please find more details in the recruitment announcement on our webpage (http://im.

Compared to traditional mathematics departments in China, we have the following distinguishing features:

Ø IASM is a brand-new scientific research institution directly affiliated with the school, and an academic highland of HIT; with this status, it enjoys many special policies from the university, regarding recruitment and funds.

Ø The institute has a first-class scientific committee, composed ofeminentnational and international leaders in mathematics. The scientific committee aims to supervise and evaluate the academic activities and progress of IASM; it is also responsible for recruitment and promotion.

Ø Thefacultiesin IASM only have a very light teaching duty. For instance, postdocs and assistant professors are free of teaching duty; for other faculties, there is only a one-course teaching requirement per academic year (about 30 - 50 hours). Moreover, the teaching duty can be adjusted or reduced if a member visits overseas institutions during the academic year.

Ø IASM intends to create a delightful working atmosphere for researchers, mimicking the French research institutions and evaluation system. The aim is to offer a stimulating and effective platform that enhances personal development and professional success for faculty members.

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