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Qiwen Dong,Xiaolong Wang,Lei Lin: Analysis and prediction of protein local structure based on structure alphabets. Proteins: Structure function and bioinformatics, Volume 72 Issue 1 ,Page:163-172, 2008. 1. |
Qiwen Dong,Xiaolong Wang,Lei Lin: Prediction of protein local structures and folding fragments based on building-block library. Proteins: Structure function and bioinformatics, Volume 72 Issue 1,Page: 353-366, 2008. 1. |
Qiwen Dong,Xiaolong Wang,Lei Lin: Methods for optimizing the structure alphabet sequences of proteins. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2007,Vol.37(11),Page:1610-1616, 2007. 11. |
Xiao Jinghui,Wang Xiaolong,Liu Bingquan: The Study of a Nonstationary Maximum Entropy Markov Model and Its Application on the Pos-Tagging Task. ACM Transaction, 6, 2007. 9. |
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Qiwen Dong,Xiaolong Wang,Lei Lin: Exploiting residue-level and profile-level interface propensities for usage in binding sites prediction of proteins. BMC Bioinformatics, 8, 2007. 8. |
常群,王晓龙: 通过全局核降低高斯核的局部风险与基于遗传算法的两阶段模型选择. 计算机研究与发展, 44, 2007. 3. |
Qiwen Dong,Xiaolong Wang,Lei Lin: Protein domain boundary prediction by combining support vector machine and domain guess by size algorithm. 高技术通讯, Vol:13 , No: 1, Page: 74-78, 2007. 3. |
Ming-Hui Li,Lei Lin,Xiao-Long Wang,Tao Liu: Protein–protein interaction site prediction based on conditional random fields. Bioinformatics, 23(5): 597-604, 2007. 3. |
常群,王晓龙,林沂蒙,王熙照,Daniel S. Yeung: 支持向量分类和多宽度高斯核. 电子学报, 35(3), 2007. 3. |
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sunchengjie,huangchangning,guanyi: Combinative Ambiguity String Detection and Resolution Based on Annotated Corpus. 第三届学生计算语言学研讨会论文集, 沈阳, 中国. 2006.8. PP:105-110, 2006. 8. |
Zhiming Xu, Qiang Wang, Jonathan Webster, Chunyu Kit: An Empirical Study of the Effectness of N-gram Modeling in Probabilistic Word Segmentation. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security., , 2006. 7. |
Zhiming Xu, Chunyu Kit, Jonathan J.Webster.: Intergration of Algorithm of English-Chinese Word Segmentation and Alignment.. Proceedings of 2006 International conference on Machine learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC-2006)., , 2006. 7. |
Yuming Zhao, Zhiming Xu,Yi Guan, Xiaolong Wang: A Open Domain Question and Answering System Based on Improved System Similarity Model.. Proceedings of 2006 International conference on Machine learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC-2006)., , 2006. 7. |
赵岩,王晓龙,刘秉权,关毅: 融合聚类触发对特征的最大熵词性标注模型. 计算机研究与发展, vol, 2006. 7. |
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Q.W.Dong, X.L.Wang ,Lei Lin: Novel Knowledge-Based Mean Force Potential at the Profile Level. BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 7, No 6 . pp. 324, 2006. 6. |
刘远超,王晓龙,刘秉权,钟彬彬: 基于多知识源融合的关键词重要性评价研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, , 2006. 6. |
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宇缨,王晓龙,刘秉权: 一种基于SVM/RS的中文机构名称自动识别方法. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology., 28(5):895-900, 2006. 5. |
刘远超,王晓龙,刘秉权: 信息检索中的聚类分析技术. 电子与信息学报, 28(4):606-609, 2006. 5. |
刘远超,王晓龙,徐志明,关毅: 文本聚类综述. 中文信息学报, 20(3):55-62, 2006. 5. |
陈燕敏,王晓龙,刘秉权,楼喜中: 多知识源融合的自动摘要系统研究与实现. 高技术通讯, 16(4): 337-341, 2006. 4. |
刘远超,王晓龙,刘秉权: 一种改进的k-means文本聚类初值选择算法. 高技术通讯, 16(1):11-15, 2006. 4. |
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肖镜辉,王晓龙,刘秉权: 一种基于相似度的汉语语言模型平滑技术及其在音字转换中的应用. 高技术通讯, 16(2):127-132, 2006. 2. |
Q.W.Dong, X.L.Wang ,Lei Lin: Domain boundary prediction based on profile domain linker propensity index. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 2,pp.127-133, 2006. 2. |
Ming-Hui Li,Xiao-Long Wang,Lei Lin,Tao Liu: Effect of example weights on prediction of protein–protein interactions. Computational biology and chemistry, 30(5): 386-392, 2006. 1. |
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JingHui Xiao, BingQuan Liu, XiaoLong Wang: Principles of Non-stationary Hidden Markov Model and its Applications on Sequence labeling task. International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, (IJCNLP05), , 2005. 11. |
Jinghui Xiao, Bingquan Liu, Xiaolong Wang, Bing Li: A Similarity-based Approach to Data Sparseness Problem of Chinese Language Modeling. Fourth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(MICAI 2005), Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligent(LNAI), pp.761-769, 2005. 11. |
Jinghui Xiao, Bingquan Liu, Xiaolong Wang, Bing Li: A Self-adaptive Algorithm of Combining Multi-Features for Chinese Lexicon Construction. International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Intelligent Access to Textual Information(NLUIATI 2005), pp.48-56, 2005. 11. |
GangBao,YiGuan,QiangWang,Jian Zhao: The Research to Cover Based Chinese Information Retrieval Technology. Computer Engineering and Applications, , 2005. 11. |
Q. Chang,Q. C. Chen,X. L. Wang: Scaling Gaussian RBF kernel width to improve SVM classification. International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain, vol. 1, 2005. 10. |
YongshengYuan,LeiLin, QiwenDong, XiaolongWang ,MinghuiLi: A Protein Classification method based on Latent Semantic Analysis. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biological Society (EMBS), Shanghai, 2005. 9. |
QiwenDong, LeiLin,XiaoLongWang,MingHui Li: Contact-based Simulated Annealing Protein Sequence Alignment Method. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biological Society (EMBS), Shanghai, 2005. 9. |
MingHuiLi,LeiLin,XiaoLongWang,QiWenDong,TaoLiu: Study on Relation ship between Protein Sequence Pattern and Pattern and Protein Secondary Structure. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biological Society (EMBS), Shanghai, 2005. 9. |
肖镜辉,刘秉权: 一种非时齐的隐马尔科夫模型及其在音字转换中的应用. 全国第八届计算语言学联合学术会议(JSCL-2005), 南京, 2005. 8. |
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Yanmin Chen, Xiaolong Wang, Bingquan Liu: Multi-document Summarization Based on Lexical Chains. In Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2005), Guangzhou, 2005. 8. |
QiangWang,YiGuan,XiaoLongWang,ZhiMingXu: Using Category-Based Semantic Field for Text Categorization. The 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), GuangZhou,2005.8. Pages: 3781-3786 (EI), 2005. 8. |
YanminChen,XiaolongWang,YiGuan: Automatic Text Summarization Based on Lexical Chains. In the First International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC05) and the Second International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD05), Changsha, China, Aug.2005., 2005. 8. |
PENGLI,YIGUAN,XIAOLONGWANG, JUNSUN: AUTOMATIC AND EFFICIENT RECOGNITION OF PROPER NOUNS BASED ON MAXIMUM ENTROPY MODEL. In Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2005), Guangzhou, 2005. 8. |
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Lin Lei, Xiaolong Wang and Daniel Yeung: Combining Multiple Classifiers Based on a Statistical Method for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 19, No. 8 (2005) 1027-1040, 2005. 8. |
LiuHanlei, Guanyi: Research on Semantic Similarity based Maximal Marginal Relevance method for Multi-document summarization. JSCL, Nanjing, 2005. 8. |
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Tao Liu,Zhiming,guanyi,liminghui: A Fast Statistical Method for Chinese Unknown Word Detection,. International Conference on Multilingual Information Processing (ICMIP 05), Harbin, China, Aug. 2005,, pp:12-15, 2005. 8. |
Q. Chang,X. Wang,X. L. Wang: Local Information Embedding by Dimension Extension and Information Risk Minimization. In Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2005), 4335–4339, 2005. 8. |
TaoLiu,XiaolongWang,Yi Guan,ZhimingXu,QiangWang: Domain-Specific Term Extraction and Its Application in Text Classification. In Proceedings of 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences(JCIS2005), Salt Lake City Marriott City Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2005. 7. |
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王强,王晓龙,关毅,徐志明: K-NN与SVM相融合的文本分类技术研究. 高技术通讯, 2005(5)pp.19-24 (EI), 2005. 5. |
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孙文庆,刘秉权,肖镜辉: 基于内存映射文件的数据共享技术研究与应用. 微计算机应用, vol.26, no.2,pp.192-194, 2005. 3. |
Yuming Zhao, Zhiming Xu, Yi Guan,Xiaolong Wang: Insun05QA on QA Track of TREC 2005. The Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2005), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 2005., , 2005. 3. |
Q.W.Dong, X.L.Wang ,Lei Lin: Application of latent semantic analysis to protein remote homology detection. Bioinformatics, volume. 22, no. 3, pp. 285-290, 2005. 3. |
wangxiaolong,DANIELS.YEUNG,JAMESN.K.LIU,ROBERTUK,wangxuan: A HYBRID LANGUAGE MODEL BASED ON STATISTICS AND LINGUISTIC RULES. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2005. 2. |
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赵岩,王晓龙,刘秉权,关毅: 基于矢量空间模型和最大熵模型的词义问题解决策略. 高技术通讯, vol.15, no.1, pp.1-6, 2005. 1. |
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钟彬彬,刘远超,徐志明: 基于GA的文本子主题切分中的参数优化研究. 计算机工程与应用, no.21.pp.97-99, 2005. 1. |
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董启文,王晓龙,林磊,关毅,赵健: 蛋白质二级结构预测: 基于词条的最大熵马尔科夫方法. 中国科学 C辑 生命科学, 35 (1): 87~96., 2005. . |