









Personal Profile

1999-2003Harbin Institute of Technology, Mechanical design, manufacture and automation, Bachelor degree

2003-2005Harbin Institute of Technology, Mechatronic Engineering, Master degree

2005-2010Harbin Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Doctoral degree

2010-2018Harbin Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Lecturer

2019-presentHarbin Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering, AssociateProcessor



Medical Robotics


Medical Image Processing and Analysis










Research Interests

Medical Robotics:

1.Multimodality intelligent sensing

Hybrid understanding the surgical field of view with vision and force sensing for the surgical robot automatic operation.

2.Novel surgical instrument design

Designing flexible surgical instruments with force sensing and self-positioning, which can be integrated to the robot arm for certain surgical operation.

3.Virtual surgical training for surgical robot

Developing the methods of position-based dynamic based soft tissue deformation modeling, collision detection and virtual cutting.

4.Human-Robot interaction

Studying hand gesture recognition using data glove to implement master-slave remote control of different types of robots.

Medical Image Processing and Analysis:

1.Mechanism of deep brain stimulation using multimodality medical data

Simulating the distribution of the electric field in the brain in the procedure of Deep Brain Stimulation to explore the mechanism of neural pathway related DBS neuromodulation using neuroimaging and electrophysiological signals.

2.Computer assisted surgical planning and navigation

Developing novel methods of surgical instrument tracking, multimodality medical images registration and augmented reality-based navigation.



1. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu,Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. Detection of Subthalamic nucleus using novel higher-order spectra features in microelectrode recording signals. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2021,41(2):704-716.

2. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu,Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. Deep convolutional neural network for the automated detection of Subthalamic nucleus using MER signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2021, 356: 109145

3. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu,Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. A novel deep LSTM network for artifacts detection in microelectrode recordings. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2020, 40(3):1052-1063.

4. Yixian Su,Wenpeng Gao*, Ziteng Liu, Shuo Sun, Yili Fu. Hybrid marker-based object tracking using Kinect v2. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2020, 69(9):6436-6445.

5. Xiaoxi Ji, Hui Wang, Mingwei Zhu, Yingjie He, Hong Zhang, Xiaoguang Chen,Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. Brainstem atrophy in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease: A voxel-based morphometry study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2019,15(1):49-59.

6.Wenpeng Gao,Baichuan Jiang , Daniel F. Kacher, Barry Fetics, Erez Nevo, Thomas C. Lee, Jagadeesan Jayender. Real-time probe tracking using EM-optical sensor for MRI-guided cryoablation. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2018, 14(1).

7. Zhu Minwei,Gao Wenpeng#, Wang Xudong, et al. Progression of corpus callosum atrophy in early stage of Alzheimer’s disease: MRI based study. Academic Radiology, 2012,19(5):512-517.

8. Fu YiliGao Wenpeng*Xiao Yongfeiet al. A framework for automatic construction of 3D PDM from segmented volumetric neuroradiological data sets. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2010, 97(3):199-9.Fu Yili,Gao Wenpeng*, Chen Xiaoguang, et al. Automatic identification of the reference system based on the fourth 10.Fu Yili,Gao Wenpeng*, Zhu Minwei, et al. Computer-assisted automatic localization of the human pedunculopontine nucleus in T1-weighted MR images: a preliminary study. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2009,5(3):309-318.

11. Liu Jin-Min,Gao Wenpeng, Huang Su, et al. A model-based, semi-global segmentation approach for automatic 3-D point landmark localization in neuroimages. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2008,27(8):1034-1044.

12. Sun Yu, Ye Yun, Liu Wu,Gao Wenpeng, Fu YiLi, Mei Tao. Human Mesh Recovery from Monocular Images via a Skeleton-disentangled Representation, 2019 ICCV.

13. Baichuan Jiang,Wenpeng Gao, Daniel F. Kacher, Thomas C. Lee, Jagadeesan Jayender. Kalman filter based data fusion for needle deflection estimation using optical-EM sensor. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2016, pp457-464.

14.Gao Wenpeng, Jiang Baichuan, Kacher Dan F., et al. Real-time MR-guided needle intervention for cryoablation: A phantom study. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017, v10135.

15.Gao Wenpeng, Fu Yili, Li Zaijuan, et al. A dynamic point matching for registration in image-guided minimally invasive vascular surgery: A simulation study. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetrics (ROBIO 2013), p2019-2024.

16. Multi-modal Imaging for Surgery and Interventions.Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics. volume 3, chapter 5.






Medical Imaging Processing and 3D Slicer application


Biomedical Image Processing


