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发布人:赵巍 发布时间:2018-05-05 浏览次数:251












黄剑华 博士、教授,哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院模式别研究中心教师。作为负责人先后承担国家自然科学基金项目2项,省部委基金项目、国际合作项目等多项,其成果获部级科学进步二等奖1项,三等奖2项,省科技进步一等奖1项,发表论文40余篇。主要从事模式识别、字符识别与版面分析、医学图像处理、人体运动智能等方向的研究。博士、教授,作为负责人先后承担国家自然科学基金项目2项,省部委基金项目、国际合作项目等多项,其成果获部级科学进步二等奖1项,三等奖2项,省科技进步一等奖1项,发表论文40余篇。


1989年,获哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程系信息显示处理与识别专业,工学学士学位

1992年,获哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程系模式识别与智能控制专业,工学硕士学位

2007年,获于哈尔滨工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院 计算机应用专业,工学博士学位














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  • Ding, J., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Multiple-instance learning with global and local features for thyroid ultrasound image classification. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (pp.66-70). IEEE.

  • Zhang, Y., Huang, J., Li, M., & Song, T. (2014). Novel r-wave detection algorithm of dcg signal. Journal of Tianjin University, 47(1).

  • Liu, S., Cheng, H. D., Liu, Y., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., & Tang, X. (2014). An effective computer aided diagnosis system using B-Mode and color Doppler flow imaging for breast cancer. Visual Communications and Image Processing (Vol.8, pp.1-4). IEEE.

  • Liu, Y., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., Tang, X., & Tian, J. (2013). An effective non-rigid registration approach for ultrasound image based on “demons” algorithm. Journal of Digital Imaging, 26(3), 521.

  • Xian, M., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., & Tang, X. (2013). Multiple-domain knowledge based MRF model for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp.2021-2024). IEEE.

  • Liu, G. J., Tang, X. L., Huang, J. H., Liu, J. F., & Sun, D. (2007). Hierarchical Model-Based Human Motion Tracking Via Unscented Kalman Filter. IEEE, International Conference on Computer Vision (pp.1-8). IEEE.

  • Tong, X., Liu, S., Huang, J., & Tang, X. (2008). Local relative location error descriptor-based fingerprint minutiae matching. Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(3), 286-294.

  • Liu, G. J., Tang, X. L., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J. H., & Liu, J. F. (2009). A novel approach for tracking high speed skaters in sports using a panning camera. Pattern Recognition, 42(11), 2922-2935.

  • Liu, C., Liu, J., Huang, J., & Tang, X. (2010). Monocular video based markerless 3D human pose estimation by using Local Multi-connected Belief Propagation with multi-cue fusion. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (Vol.1, pp.478-482). IEEE.

  • Liu, B., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Tian, J., Tang, X., & Liu, J. (2010). Probability density difference. Pattern Recognition, 43(6), 2028-2042.

  • Liu, B., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Tian, J., Tang, X., & Liu, J. (2010). Fully automatic and segmentation-robust classification of breast tumors based on local texture analysis of ultrasound images. Pattern Recognition, 43(1), 280-298.

  • Liu, B., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Tian, J., Tang, X., & Liu, J. (2010). Probability density difference-based active contour for ultrasound image segmentation. Pattern Recognition, 43(6), 2028-2042.

  • Zhang, Y., Cheng, H. D., Tian, J., Huang, J., & Tang, X. (2010). Fractional subpixel diffusion and fuzzy logic approach for ultrasound speckle reduction. Pattern Recognition, 43(8), 2962-2970.

  • Ding, J., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., & Ning, C. (2011). A novel quantitative measurement for thyroid cancer detection based on elastography. International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. IEEE.

  • Zhang, Y., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., & Tang, X. (2012). An effective and objective criterion for evaluating the performance of denoising filters. Pattern Recognition, 45(7), 2743-2757.

  • Ding, J., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., Ding, J., & Cheng, H. D., et al. (2012). Multiple-instance learning approach for breast ultrasound image classification. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE.

  • Ding, J., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Liu, J., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Breast ultrasound image classification based on multiple-instance learning. Journal of Digital Imaging, 25(5), 620-627.

  • Liu, Y., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J. H., Zhang, Y. T., Tang, X. L., & Tian, J. W., et al. (2012). Computer aided diagnosis system for breast cancer based on color doppler flow imaging. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(6), 3975-3982.

  • Liu, A. Y., Cheng, H. D., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., Tang, X., & Wang, H., et al. (2012). Computer-aided diagnosis system for breast cancer using b-mode and color doppler flow images. Optical Engineering, 51(4), 3202.
