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发布人:赵巍 发布时间:2018-09-18 浏览次数:42


为助力我国航天强国建设,201873081日哈尔滨工业大学举办了2018年太阳系小天体探测科学技术交流会(Solar System Small Body Exploration SeminarHIT2018)。会议由哈工大计算机学院模式识别与智能系统研究中心主办,共有包括美国科罗拉多大学、美国中佛罗里达大学、中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所、钱学森空间技术实验室、中国空间技术研究院总体部、中国空间技术研究院北京控制工程研究所、南京大学、中国地质大学、北京理工大学等9所科研院所的30余位专家学者参与了学习交流。会议主要讨论太阳系小天体探测任务中所涉及的轨道动力学,行星地质学,导航、制导与控制,小天体视觉建模与自主决策等科学与技术问题。我校航天学院、机电学院、理学院、计算机学院师生也到场讨论交流。


美国工程院院士、科罗拉多大学Daniel Scheeres教授从太阳系小天体探测所涉及的轨道动力学,导航、制导与控制等若干科学与技术问题出发,做了主题为“Prior and future asteroid exploration missions”5个专题报告;美国中佛罗里达大学Daniel Britt教授针对太阳系小天体探测中所涉及的行星地质学、行星及陨石分类等科学问题做了“Making asteroid, Lunar, and Martian simulants”4个专题报告;黄江川研究员的报告从嫦娥系列任务到小行星探测,系统解读了中国空间技术研究院在深空探测任务概念的酝酿演进,持续推进小天体探测任务;钱学森空间技术实验室霍卓玺博士、北京理工大学乔栋教授、哈尔滨工业大学刘鹏博士等领域专家就空间探索与太阳系形成、小行星交会探测中的近操作及机动策略、小行星探测接近段/下降段视觉导航策略等分别做了主题报告。此外,还分组讨论了深空轨道动力学与小天体探测陨星陨石分类的机器学习方法研讨等专题内容。


At present, the sustained implementation of the International Deep Space Exploration Program and the extensive sharing of resources have promoted scientists at home and abroad to actively participate in the asteroid-related scientific research.

Inhopingof working hand in hand to do contribution for China's space power, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) held “Solar System Small Body Exploration Seminar” from July 30thto August 1st, 2018. The Seminar was hosted by Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems Research Center of HIT. More than 30 experts and scholars at home and abroad from 9 scientific research institutes participated in the exchange, including University of Colorado, University of Central Florida, Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology(Qian Lab), General Department of Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST), andBeijing Institute of Control Engineeringof CAST, Nanjing University, China University of Geosciences, as well as Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT). The seminar focused on the issues related to solar system small celestial bodies and its exploration, covering Orbital Dynamics, Planetary Geology, GNC Technology, Visual ModelingandAutonomous Strategy, etc. Teachers and students ofHITfrom School of Astronautics, School of Mechanics and Engineering, School of Science, School of Computer Science and Technology also came and get involved in the discussions and exchanges.

Prof. Huang Jiangchuan, technical director of small body exploration project of CAST, part-time doctoral supervisor ofHIT, served as chairman of the seminar. Prof. Tang Xianglong of HIT served as the co-chair. Prof. Huang made a warm welcome speech, starting with a short review of CAST’s excellent works; then claimed that China's space industry is on its way to developing space science and engineering exploration, especially going further to the deep space. Finally, he expressed sincerely of his will to push this forward in collaboration with participants of the seminar. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Zhao Wei of Computer School, HIT.

Prof. Daniel Scheeres ofUniversityof Colorado,academicianof American Academy of Engineering, made five special reports, including Prior and future asteroid exploration missions, etc., based on a certain number of scientific and technological issues concerning orbital dynamics and GNC technology. Prof. Daniel Britt of University of Central Florida gave four special reports on the scientific issues of planetary geology, asteroid and meteorite classification involved in solar system small bodies’ exploration, including “Making asteroid, Lunar, and Martian simulants” etc.. Prof. Huang Jiangchuan's report systematically interpreted China's space technology fromChang'eseries missions to asteroid exploration task/concept, stating the progress of developing the concept of deep space exploration mission and continuously promoted the exploration of asteroid; Dr. Huo Zhuoxin of Qian Lab, Prof. Qiao Dong of BIT, Dr. Liu Peng of HIT reported theirprogressesrespectively of close operations in space exploration and solar system formation, asteroid rendezvous exploration and maneuver strategy, visual navigation strategy on asteroid approach/descent segment, etc. Besides, topics as Deep Space Orbital Dynamics and Small Object Exploration, Research on Machine Learning Methods for Meteorite Classification, etc. were discussed in groups.

It is necessary that this seminar/exchange in deep space exploration has played a positive role in promoting the scientific research and engineering technology implementation involved in the new task of deep space exploration in China.


Daniel Britt教授

Daniel Scheeres 教授


