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Chenjia Bai, Lingxiao Wang, Zhuoran Yang, Zhihong Deng, Animesh Garg, Peng Liu, and Zhaoran Wang. Pessimistic Bootstrapping for Uncertainty-Driven Offline Reinforcement Learning. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022

Shuang Qiu, Lingxiao Wang, Chenjia Bai, Zhuoran Yang, and Zhaoran Wang. Contrastive UCB: Provably Efficient Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning in Online Reinforcement Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022 (CCF-A类会议)


Chenjia Bai, Lingxiao Wang, Lei Han, Animesh Garg, Jianye Hao, Peng Liu, and Zhaoran Wang.Dynamic Bottleneck for Robust Self-Supervised Exploration.Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).2021 (CCF-A 类会议)

Chenjia Bai, Lingxiao Wang, Lei Han, Jianye Hao,Animesh Garg,Peng Liu, and Zhaoran Wang.Principled Exploration via Optimistic Bootstrapping and Backward Induction.International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).2021 (CCF-A 类会议)

Chenjia Bai, Peng Liu, Kaiyu Liu, Lingxiao Wang, Yingnan Zhao, Lei Han, and Zhaoran Wang.Variational Dynamic for Self-Supervised Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).2021 (SCI收录,JCR-1,IF=10.5)

Chenjia Bai, Lingxiao Wang, Yixin Wang, Zhaoran Wang, Rui Zhao, Chenyao Bai and Peng Liu.Addressing Hindsight Bias in Multi-Goal Reinforcement Learning.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.2021 (SCI 收录,JCR-1,IF=11.4)

Ting Xiao, Han Zheng, Xiaoning Wang, Xinghan Chen, Jianbo Chang, Jianhua Yao, Hong Shang, Peng Liu.Intracerebral Haemorrhage Growth Prediction Based on Displacement Vector Field and Clinical Metadata.International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI).2021


Fei Du, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao, Xianglong Tang. Correlation-Guided Attention for Corner Detection Based Visual Tracking. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2020 (CCF-A 类会议)

Yingnan Zhao, Peng Liu, Chenjia Bai, Wei Zhao, and Xianglong Tang. Obtaining Accurate Estimated Action Values in Categorical Distributional Reinforcement Learning. Knowledge-based Systems. 2020 (SCI收录,JCR-1,IF=5.1)

Peng Liu, Chenjia Bai, Yingnan Zhao, et al. Generating Attentive Goals for Prioritized Hindsight Reinforcement Learning. Knowledge-based Systems. 2020 (SCI收录,JCR-1,IF=5.1)

Peng Liu, Ting Xiao, Cangning Fan, Wei Zhao, Xianglong Tang, Hongwei Liu. Importance-Weighted Conditional Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. Expert System with Applications. 2020 (SCI 收录,JCR-1,IF=4.3)

Cangning Fan, Peng Liu, Ting Xiao, et al. Domain Adaptation Based on Domain-invariant and Class-distinguishable Feature Learning using Multiple Adversarial Networks.Neurocomputing. 2020(SCI 收录,JCR-1,IF=4.0)

范苍宁,刘鹏,肖婷,赵巍,唐降龙. 深度域适应综述:一般情况与复杂情况[J]. 自动化学报. 2020


Fei Du, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao, and Xianglong Tang. Joint Channel Reliability and Correlation Filters Learning for Visual Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2019 (SCI收录,JCR-1,CCF-B,IF=3.5)

Chang Liu, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao, and Xianglong Tang. Visual Tracking by Structurally Optimizing Pre-trained CNN.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2019 (SCI收录,JCR-1,CCF-B,IF=3.5)

Dongfang Zhao, Jiafeng Liu, Rui Wu, Dansong Cheng and Xianglong Tang, Optimistic Sampling Strategy for Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning, in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 55763-55769, 2019.(SCI收录,IF=2.7)

Ting Xiao, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao, Hongwei Liu and Xianglong Tang, Structure preservation and distribution alignment in discriminative transfer subspace learning. Neurocomputing. 2019. 337: 218-334(SCI 收录,JCR-1, CCF-C,IF=3.2)

Hongjiao Guan, Yingtao Zhang, Heng-Da Cheng, Min Xian, Xianglong Tang, BA2Cs: Bounded abstaining with two constraints of reject rates in binary classification. Neurocomputing, 2019, 125-134. (SCI收录,JCR-1 CCF-C,IF=3.2)

Chenjia Bai, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao and Xianglong Tang, Guided goal generation for hindsight multi-goal reinforcement learning, Neurocomputing, 2019(SCI收录,JCR-1 CCF-C,IF=3.2)

Peng Liu, Yingnan Zhao, Wei Zhao, et al. An exploratory rollout policy for imagination-augmented agents. Applied Intelligence. 2019 (SCI收录,JCR-2, CCF-C, IF=2.0)

Depeng Gao, Jiafeng Liu, Rui Wu, Dansong Cheng, Xianglong Tang. “Utilizing Relevant RGB-D Data to Help Recognizing RGB Images in Target Domain”.Intertinal Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (SCI收录,IF=1.694).

Depeng Gao,Jiafeng Liu,Rui Wu, Xianglong Tang. Fully semisupervised framework for visual domain adaptation. Journal of Electronic Imaging 28.1 (2019): 013040. (SCI收录,IF=0.78)


Peng Liu, Chang Liu, Wei Zhao*, Xianglong Tang, Multi-level Context-Adaptive Correlation Tracking, [J]. Pattern Recognition, 2018-10, DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2018.10.013 (CCF-B,SCI收录,IF=3.962)

Fei Du, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao*, Xianglong Tang: Spatial-temporal adaptive feature weighted correlation filter for visual tracking [J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication,67: 58-70 (2018)(SCI收录, IF = 2.073)

Ting Xiao, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao*, Xianglong Tang: Iterative landmark selection and subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation [J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging,2018,27(03).SCI收录,IF = 0.78

Hongjiao Guan, Yingtao Zhang, Hengda Cheng, and Xianglong Tang: A Novel Imbalanced Classification Method based on Decision Tree and Bagging [J]. International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE), 2018, 6(14): 1140-1148. (EI收录)

Dongfang Zhao, Jiafeng Liu, Rui Wu, Dansong Cheng, Xianglong Tang, Data-Efficient Reinforcement learning using Active Exploration Method 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP). 2018

Songbo Liu, Xudong Zhao, Xianglong Tang, Background substraction based on perception-contained piecewise memorizing framework.Computing and Informatics.(SCI检索,IF=0.488)

刘畅, 赵巍, 刘鹏, 唐降龙. 目标跟踪中辅助目标的选择、跟踪与更新[J]. 自动化学报, 2018(7). (EI收录,DOI = 10.16383)

白辰甲, 刘鹏, 赵巍, 唐降龙. 基于TD-error自适应校正的深度Q学习主动采样方法[J]. 计算机研究与发展. 2019, 56(2): 262-280(EI收录)

赵英男, 刘鹏, 赵巍, 唐降龙. 深度Q学习的二次主动采样方法. 自动化学报[J]. 2019: 1-13(EI收录)


Chang Liu, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao, Xianglong Tang. Robust Tracking and Re-detection: Collaboratively Modeling the Target and Its Context. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

Peng Liu, Ye Tao, Wei Zhao , Xianglong Tang. Abnormal crowd motion detection using double sparse representation. Neurocomputing

Jingzhe Jiang, Peng Liu, Zhipeng Ye, Wei Zhao, Xianglong Tang. A hierarchical inferential method for indoor scene classification. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science

Peng Liu, Chang Liu, Wei Zhao, Xianglong Tang. Extended Kernelized Correlation Tracking with Target Enhancement and Sample Selection. ICTAI 2017 : International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence

高德鹏,吴锐,刘家锋,黄庆成,唐降龙,刘鹏. RGB-D Object Recognition using the knowledge transferred from relevant RGB images. ICONIP 2017

刘鹏,叶志鹏,赵巍,唐降龙. Making the Torch Lighter: A Reinforced Active Sampling Framework for Image Classification. ICIP2017



Ye Zhipeng, Liu Peng, Zhao Wei, Tang Xianglong, Practice makes perfect: An adaptive active learning framework for image classification, NEUROCOMPUTING, 2016, Vol.196(5):95-106, SCI IF 2.392

Wei Zhao, Ting Xiao, Peng Liu *, Lei Sun, Jiangchuan Huang, XianglongTang, Radar Model Fusion of Asteroid Toutatis via Optical Images Observed by Chang’e-2 Probe, Planetary and space science, 2016.6, Vol.125, SCI IF 1.942.

Zhixun Li, Yingtao Zhang, Huiling Gong, Weimin Li, Xianglong Tang, Automatic coronary artery segmentation based on multi-domains remapping and quantile regression in angiographies, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.54, December 2016, Pages 55-66, SCI IF 1.385.

Ye Tao, Peng Liu, Xianglong Tang, Abnormal Prediction of DenseCrowd Videos by Purpose-driven Lattice Boltzmann Model, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2016. 1, SCI IF 1.037.

Ye Tao, Shengjun Cheng, Xianglong Tang, Improving Semi-supervised Self-training with Embedded Manifold Transduction, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2016.9, SCI IF 0.820

赵东方,赵巍,刘鹏,黄长宁,张宏伟,唐降龙.基于空间光学成像的4179号小行星表面反射特性研究,天文学报, 2016.2

Hongjiao Guan, Yingtao Zhang, Min Xian, H.D. Cheng, Xianglong Tang, WENN for individualized cleaning in imbalanced data, ICPR, 2016


Zhipeng Ye, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao* and Xianglong Tang, Cognition inspired framework for indoor scene annotation. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 24(5), 2015.9

Zhipeng Ye, Peng Liu, Wei Zhao* and Xianglong Tang, Hierarchical abstract semantics model for image classification, JEI

刘鹏,杨雷,石大明,唐降龙. Prediction of protein-protein interactions related to protein complexes based on protein interaction networks, BioMed Research International, 2015.5

Li, Zhixun, Yingtao Zhang, Guangzhong Liu, Haoyang Shao, Weimin Li, and Xianglong Tang. A robust coronary artery identification and centerline extraction method in angiographies. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol.16 (2015): 1-8

Zhipeng Ye, Peng Liu, Xianglong Tang, Wei Zhao,May the torcher light our way: a negative-accelerated active learning framework for image classification. International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP) 2015.9

Rui Wu, Zhipeng Ye, Peng Liu, Xianglong Tang, Wei Zhao, Knowledge as action: a cognitive framework for indoor scene classification. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2015.9

Haoyang Shao, Yingtao Zhang, Min xian, Hengda Cheng. A saliency model for automated tumor detection in breast ultrasound images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2015
