

IEEE哈尔滨分会邀请,意大利米兰比可卡大学计算机工程系教授Vincenzo Piuri博士将530日访问我校,届时将于当天上午1000在诚意楼11教室(红楼)举办学术讲座,题目为:Artificial Intelligence models for Solar Energy Applications欢迎感兴趣师生前往讲座会场。

TITLE: Artificial Intelligence models for Solar Energy Applications
LECTURER: Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy

Schedule and location:10:00AM,May 30,2018,诚意楼,room 11

Several factors affects the efficiency of a solar plant: among them, the electrical working conditions of the panels, the local weather, and the tidiness of the panel.

Besides, the economic cost of operations to maintain and manage the plant have to be considered in its adoption.
This talk investigated the use of artificial intelligence paradigms to model the behavior of a solar panel in terms of energy production forecast, Maximum Power Point (MPP) prediction and the degradation of production due to the presence of dust on the panel have been modeled,

Several prediction artificial intelligence techniques have been challenged in these tasks to exploit measurements directly collectible from the panel and from public weather station.


Professor Vincenzo Piuri has received his Ph.D. in computer engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (1989). He has been Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano , Italy and Visiting Professor at the University of Texas at Austin and at George Mason University, USA. He is Full Professor in computer engineering at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy (since 2000).

His main research interests are: intelligent systems, signal and image processing, machine learning, pattern analysis and recognition, theory and industrial applications of neural networks, biometrics, intelligent measurement systems, industrial applications, fault tolerance, digital processing architectures, embedded systems, and arithmetic architectures. Original results have been published in more than 400 papers in international journals, proceedings of international conferences, books, and book chapters.

He is Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished Scientist of ACM, and Senior Member of INNS. He has been IEEE Past Vice President for Technical Activities (2016), IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities (2015), IEEE Director, President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Vice President for Education of the IEEE Biometrics Council, Vice President for Publications of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society and the IEEE Systems Council, and Vice President for Membership of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He is Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Systems Journal (2013-19) and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and IEEE Access, and has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
