Aug. 12nd, 2016, Prof. Yuqing Bao
Publishing Time:2016-08-11

Topic of Invited talk

Thin film performance from hybrid PVD-powder coating process. Surface and Coatings Technology


Yuqing started her research career as a Research Fellow at Brunel University, where she obtained a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering. She then moved to London South Bank University and now has over 25 years of research experience in surface coatings and materials technologies, particularly, thermal-spray deposition, process modelling and microstructuralcharacterization. Yuqings research is directed at undertaking to create andcharacterizenew materials and coatings. Much of the work focuses on understanding and modelling the mechanisms of deposition and materials formation together with their relationship with structure and properties. This includes materials and process modelling to design new materials, process equipment and hybrid technologies.
