Jun. 25th, 2014, Prof. Darren Hartl
Publishing Time:2014-06-25

Topic of Invited talk

1.Design and Optimization of Stiff SMA Structural Members Deployed Via Folding Operation;

2.Folding Patterns and Shape Optimization Using SMA-based Self-Folding Laminates;

3.Methods for Analysis and Optimization of SMA-Based Structures Across Scales.


Darren Hartl is a TEES Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University and is Director of Operations for the Texas Institute for Intelligent Materials and Structures (TiiMS). He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M in 2009 and has over 12 years of experience working with Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) and morphing structures. His efforts have included both experimental and theoretical studies and he has worked collaboratively with both governmental and industrial sponsors considering medical, oil exploration, aeronautical, and space-related applications. Darren has co-authored three textbook chapters, 13 refereed journal publications, and 49 conference proceedings papers on these topics, having won numerous best paper prizes for his work on the analysis of SMA components and structures. In his most recent appointment as Assistant Director of the Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute, he also serves the worlds major airframe and propulsion companies in collaboration with NASA, FAA, and DoD to develop joint research and development programs benefitting from a common industry voice.
