Aug. 8th, 2012, Prof. Huaxin Peng
Publishing Time:2012-08-08
prof. Huaxin Peng gave a talk on the Center for Smart Materials and Structures (CSMS). He joined the Aerospace Engineering Department at Bristol University as a Lecturer in Aerospace Materials in October 2002 from Oxford Materials, and was promoted to Senior Lectureship in 2006 and Readership in 2008. He is a member of the Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science (ACCIS) and currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Universitys Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI).
His research interests lie in the engineering of composite/multiphase materials by tailoring their structures at the nano-, micro- and meso-scales to meet specific engineering applications. This includes the exploration of the latest advances in nanotechnology which opens a new horizon in the application of materials such as polymeric nanocomposite coatings for carbon fibre composites. Research into novel composites and microstructures involves (i) development of ferromagnetic microwire composites for structural health monitoring; (ii) hierachical approach to composites microstructures; and (iii) novel applications of actuating shape memory materials.
Topic of Invited talk
Magnetic field induced crossover phenomenon in microwave properties of ferromagnetic microwire-expoxy composites
