Publishing Time:2018-06-27




Bistable and Reconfigurable

Photonic Crystals—

Electroactive Shape Memory

Polymer Nanocomposite for

Ink-Free Rewritable Paper

Advanced Functional Materials

Yu Xie

Yuan Men

Wenxin Wang

Elric Zhang

Jinsong Leng

Qibing Pei

Shape memory polymers for composites

Composites Science

and Technology

Tong Mu

Liwu Liu

Xin Lan

Yanju Liu

Jinsong Leng

Modeling the strain rate-,

hold time-, and temperature-

dependent cyclic behaviors of

amorphous shape memory


Smart Materials and


Hao Zeng

Jinsong Leng

Jianping Gu

Chenxi Yin

Huiyu Sun

Multi-stiffness topology

optimization of zero Poisson's

ratio cellular structures

Composites Part B

Jian Huang

Qiuhua Zhang

Fabrizio Scarpa

Yanju Liu

Jinsong Leng

Shape memory behavior and

recovery force of 4D printed

textile functional composites

Composites Science

and Technology

Wei Zhang

Fenghua Zhang

Xin Lan

Jinsong Leng

Amanda S. Wu

Taylor M. Brysond

Chase Cotton

Bohong Gu

Baozhong Sun

Tsu-Wei Chou

Light-actuated reversible

shape memory effect of a

polymer composite

Composites Part A

Wenbing Li

Yanju Liu

Jinsong Leng

A novel composite multi-

layer piezoelectric energy


Composite Structures

Qingqing Lu

Liwu Liu

Fabrizio Scarpa

Jinsong Leng

Yanju Liu

Structural performance and

photothermal recovery of

carbon fibre reinforced shape

memory polymer

Composites Science

and Technology

H.M.C.M. Herath

J.A. Epaarachchi

M.M. Islam

W. Al-Azzawi

J. Leng

F. Zhang

Electromechanical Modeling of Softening Behavior for Dielectric Elastomers Journal of Applied Mechanics

Xiongfei Lv

Liwu Liu

Yanju Liu

Jinsong Leng

The research status and challenges of shape memory polymer-based flexible electronics Materials Horizons

Hui Gao

Jinrong Li

Fenghua Zhang

Yanju Liu

Jinsong Leng
