Dr. Xinlin Li
Publishing Time:2021-12-08


Dr. Xinlin Li joined in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) as a postdoctoral when graduated from Jilin University in 2020. He has been in good contact with University of Lisbon (Portugal), DITF (Germany), and University of Nottingham (U. K.). Now he is a member of the center for smart materials and structures. He has published 6 SCI journal papers, and obtained 3 Chinese patents.


Dr. Xinlin Li is interested in biomimetics, smart materials and structures, bionic design of micro-nano structures, anti/de-icing strategies, morphing aircraft, morphing skins, etc.


Dr. Xinlin Li

Room 301, Building B, No.2 YiKuang Street

Center for Composite Materials and Structures

HIT Science Park, Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin 150080, PR China.

Email: lixinlin@hit.edu.cn

Tel/Fax: 0086451-86403269(O)
