受学校国际化交流基金资助,应我校化工与化学学院安茂忠教授邀请,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院Andreas Züttel教授于2019年1月17~18日赴我校进行学术交流和访问,访问期间将进行二氧化碳的能源转换与氢能存储方面的讲座,欢迎全校师生参加。
Born 1963 in Bern, Switzerland. 1985 Engineering Degree in Chemistry, Burgdorf, Switzerland. 1990 Diploma in Physics from the Unversity of Fribourg (UniFR), Switzerland. 1993 Dr. rer. nat. from the science faculty UniFR. 1994 Post Doc with AT&T Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA. 1997 Lecturer at the Physics Department UniFR. 2003 External professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2004 Habilitation in experimental physics at the science faculty UniFR. President of the Swiss Hydrogen Association “HYDROPOLE”. 2006 Head of the section“Hydrogen & Energy” at EMPA and Prof. tit. in the Physics department UniFR. 2009 Guest Professor at IMR, Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. 2012 Visiting Professor at Delft Technical University, The Netherlands, 2014 Full Professor for Physical Chemsitry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
The exponential growth of installed peak power of renewable energy requires large scale storage. The two main storage challenges are the mobility and the seasonal storage. Both applications require a high gravimetric energy density of the storage material. Hydrogen is produced from renewable energy and water and the cost of hydrogen is largely (90%) determined by the cost of the renewable electricity. The storage of hydrogen in metal hydrides is safe, very compact, i.e. up to twice the density of liquid hydrogen, and the hydrogen is released at a constant low pressure. The reduction of CO2from the atmosphere with hydrogen leads to hydrocarbons, an energy carrier easy to store with the same energy density as the fossil fuels.