美国德雷赛尔大学副校长Malworsth Brian Blake教授学术报告通知

应计算机科学与技术学院王亚东院长邀请,在国际合作部国际项目管理中心支持下,美国德雷赛尔大学副校长Malworsth Brian Blake教授即将于2019313-2019319日访问我校。访问期间将在我校开展学术报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。




报告主题:Web-Scale Workflow and Analytics: Services and Cyber-physical Systems

主要内容:This talk will discuss the implementation of service-oriented computing for web-scale system workflows for various cyber-physical domains. After a background into the state-of-the-art in software-as-a-service systems, this talk highlights three specific projects spanning service recommender systems, scientific workflows across cloud environments, and approaches for energy-efficient service-oriented systems across geographically distributed networks.




报告主题:Crowd Computing for Big Data Analytics

主要内容:Even given all the advancements with computers, the human brain is still the most versatile computer. With the proliferation of mobile devices, there is unprecedented access to millions of human brains to solve data-intensive, geographically disperse problems – a paradigm called Crowd Computing. This research highlights three research projects that introduces approaches to create effective workflows of crowd-users to conduct big data analysis and social media analytics.


Malworsth Brian Blake教授

美国德雷赛尔大学副校长、教务长;计算与信息学院教授。任国际顶级期刊IEEE Internet Computing的主编;ACM杰出科学家和高级会员。在网络计算和软件工程系统领域出版学术期刊180余篇,指导博士后和研究生超过14名,是计算机科学和其他STEM学科中增加多样性的强烈倡导者。主要研究方向是软件工程、基于web的系统。