应电气工程学院张千帆教授邀请,法国里尔大学的Walter LHOMME博士来我校就电动汽车建模、控制与仿真,Energétic Macrsocopic Representations (EMR)等内容做讲座。欢迎感兴趣的同学、老师参加。具体时间地点如下:
4月16日,14:30-16:30,科学园2C栋302室,Energétic Macrsocopic Representations (EMR) for EVs and HEVs
4月17日,09:00-11:00,科学园2C栋302室,Controls structures of EVS and HEVs
4月17日,13:30-17:30,科学园2C栋302室,Simulation of an electric vehicle using EMR and Matlab Simulink。(需要同学自备笔记本和Matlab Simulink软件)。
“Modelling and control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation – application
to electric and hybrid electric vehicles”
Walter LHOMME, University of Lille
Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of April 2019
Room 302, Building 2C in Science Park, HIT (China)
One of the key issues in the development of electric and hybrid electric vehicles is the control design of such complex systems, which are composed of multi-sources and multi-subsystems. Modelbased control design approaches provide an efficient mean to meet the challenges in front of designers, such as shrinking development times and growing design complexity. At the system modelling step, different graphical modelling formalisms can be used, such as bond graph, power oriented graph, and Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). These graphical formalisms draw on various principles and highlight different properties of multi-domain physical systems. As an energybased graphical tool, EMR respects integral causality, highlights energy properties of the power components such as energy storage, energy conversion and energy distribution, and provides a global energetic view of systems. Due to these features, inversion-based control can be deduced from EMR. In this lecture, we will discuss on the basis of the EMR, applied to electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. The first part will be dedicated to the bases of EMR and its inversion-based control methodology. The second part will be dedicated to simulation training sessions using Matlab-Simulink© on an electric vehicle.
About the Speaker
Walter LHOMMEreceived the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Lille, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, France, in 2004 and 2007, respectively, both in electrical engineering, specializing in graphical description tools and methods for modelling and control of electrical systems. He worked as Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engineer with the Department Controls, Hybrid Vehicle Technologies Team, AVL Powertrain UK Ltd., U.K., for one year. Since September 2008, he has been an Associate Professor with the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics of Lille (L2EP,http://l2ep.univ-lille1.fr/) at the University of Lille. Since 2008, he is the responsible of the experimental platform “electricity & Vehicles” of the L2EP. His research interests include graphical descriptions, modelling, control, energy management
and hardware-in-the-loop simulations applied in electric and hybrid electric vehicles field. His collaborative works with industry on energy management for vehicles include PSA Peugeot Citroen, Nexter Systems, Siemens Transportation Systems and SNCF. Since 2004, he is a member of MEGEVH, the French research group to foster collaboration between academic and industrial partners on the modelling and power management of electric and hybrid vehicles. Since 2006, he is an international program committee member of the international workshop on Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). Since 2018, he is the international coordinator of the student mobility for the Electrical Engineering department.