外国语学院国际语言中心将于本周六19:00-20:30继续面向全校师生在线组织英语沙龙活动(HIT Faculty & Staff English Salon)。此次活动邀请英国Newcastle University外语教育及跨文化教育专家Sara Ganassin博士和Müge Satar博士主讲,外国语学院教师将参加并共同主持此次沙龙活动,并诚邀学校教职工参与此次活动。
此次沙龙活动的主题为“An Intercultural Approach to Internationalisation Virtual Exchanges(高校国际化进程中开展虚拟交流活动的跨文化路径)”,参加者将借鉴Newcastle University开展虚拟在线国际交流的项目成果和实践经验,探讨在哈工大开启新百年背景下如何利用网络与信息技术推进教师、学生参与虚拟国际交流。
此次沙龙活动将以视频会议形式在线进行,平台选用ZOOM,会议号及密码将提前在沙龙活动微信群“HIT Faculty & Staff English Salon”中公布。请大家提前熟悉ZOOM平台的使用方法。需要申请加入沙龙活动微信群的老师可与外国语学院裘丽华老师联系(微信号:hitqiulihua)。
We are pleased to announce that the HIT Staff & Faculty English Salon will continue this Saturday (19:00-20:30, Jun 20) in a video meeting hosted on ZOOM. Dr Sara Ganassin and Dr Müge Satar from Newcastle University, UK will join us, sharing their expertise and experiences with virtual exchange in higher education context. The information for the coming English Salon ZOOM meeting will be released in the WeChat group for “HIT Faculty & Staff English Salon.” For more information about the meeting and the Salon WeChat group, please contact Ms Qiu Lihua from HIT School of International Studies (WeChat ID: hitqiulihua).
Summary of the talk by Dr Sara Ganassin and Dr Müge Satar:
An Intercultural Approach to Internationalisation Virtual Exchanges (VE)
The talk is based on the NCU funded project ‘Enhancing internationalisation of Chinese Higher Education Institutions: An intercultural approach’ (中国高校国际化建设:跨文化的路径). The project focuses onInternationalisation at Home-the process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into post-secondary education- in Chinese Higher Education. In the context of HIT, Internationalisation at Home (IaH) is concerned with achieving partnership and collaboration with universities and institutions in other parts of the world depending on information and Internet technologies that facilitate international and intercultural contact and solidarity. During the talk, presenters will provide an introduction to internationalisation and internationalisation at home followed by a discussion of how virtual exchanges (VE) represent the ideal context for sustainable and equitable international experiences. Facing challenges arising from the limits by the COVID-19 pandemic, VE, which enables intimate and indepth contact between people by removing barriers of distance and expenses, holds promise for making up for the tremendous loss of chances for international cooperation and collatoration. Presenters will offer examples of how IaH and VE have been implemented at Newcastle University and will invite the partcipants to discuss how internationlisation is important for HIT at the threshold of the new centennial.