法国萨克雷大学Vincent JI(嵇宁)教授和Nita DRAGOE教授学术报告通知

2024-04-13 16:58

应材料学院隋解和教授和刘紫航教授邀请,法国萨克雷大学系主任Vincent JI(嵇宁)教授将做工程机械零部件残余应力分析的学术报告,Nita DRAGOE教授将做高熵氧化物的学术报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和学生参加。

报告题目:Residual Stress Analysis on Engineering Mechanical Components

报告人:Vincent JI(嵇宁)教授



摘要:Residual stress can be generated dues to component’s fabrication, forming, machining and during their utilisation. They can influence material utilisation properties and their durability. It is extremely important to quantify the level and the distribution of residual stress on mechanical components. The origins of residual stress generation (mechanical deformation, thermal gradient, microstructure change) will be presented as a function of different forming and assembly process of engineering components. The influence of residual stress on different component’s used properties will be discussed. Different experimental methods, such as hole drilling, layer remove, section method, contour method, diffraction method (XRD, synchrotron, Neutron), ultrasonic and magnetic method, for residual stress determination will be introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of each method will be discussed. The mechanism of residual stresses control, relaxation and modification will be introduced and discussed.

报告人简介:Vincent Ji(嵇宁),1984年毕业于北京航空航天大学,获材料科学与工程专业学士学位;1986年毕业于巴黎萨克雷大学,获冶金与材料专业硕士学位;1989年毕业于法国国立高等工程技术学院,获机械与材料专业博士学位。1989年至2007年,先后在法国国立高等工程技术学院担任助理教授、副教授和博士生导师。自2007年起,担任巴黎萨克雷大学教授,巴黎萨克雷大学工程学院材料系主任。2016年起担任特聘教授,2018年起担任材料、力学和能源系主任。嵇宁教授主要从事合金表面强化、表面改性、表面涂层和表面残余应力分析的基本原理及工程应用研究。研究成果发表SCI论文360余篇(H因子43,被引6600余次);指导博士生24名,硕士生30名;此外,联合指导博士生20名。

报告题目:High Entropy and Entropy-stabilized Oxides: Recent Developments and Physical Properties

报告人:Nita Dragoe教授



摘要:The role of configurational entropy in the synthesis of new alloys was known since 2004 and this role was found applicable to oxides in 2015. Since then, Entropy Stabilized Oxides and High Entropy Oxides (HEOx) became a hot topic in the field of functional materials. This field was extended to other ceramics, and it is expected to grow in the following years. Many compositions have already been obtained with various crystal structures, with both entropy-stabilized and thermodynamically stable compounds. Some of them exhibit promising functional properties, among other: ionic conductivity, photocatalytic properties, unexpected magnetic ordering, thermoelectric properties (...). Although no clear link has been made to date between these properties and the possible role of entropy-stabilization (or even high-entropy nature), cocktail effects have been reported in some cases with functional properties of the multicomponent compounds significantly different from that of their single-cation counterparts. In this talk, I will give an overview of the various systems studied in our group and discuss the perspective they open for applications.

报告人简介:Nita DRAGOE于1996年在University of Paris Sud获得博士学位,先后任教于University of Bucharest、University of Tokyo、Université Paris XI、University of Paris Sud,现为University of Paris Sud正教授。他目前主要研究领域包括高熵氧化物的合成与输运性质、高温合成超导陶瓷,前体分解,单晶合成(共溶剂生长)、配位化合物的合成、有机化合物的合成化学(富勒烯材料研究)。