应我校电子与信息工程学院刘大同教授、宋宇晨副教授邀请,意大利特伦托大学Daniele Fontanelli教授将于近日访问我校并做报告,欢迎对此感兴趣的老师和同学参加。
报告题目:Dealing with Humans: Localization, Planning and Control for Service Robots
Service robots are becoming more and more pervasive in modern societies. One of the ever increasing field of application are service robots able to help seniors in their daily duties. Indeed, ageing is generally associated with a decrease in mobility and social interaction: a growing body of research suggests that reduced levels of out-of-home mobility can have widespread, detrimental effects for older adults. With the median age in Europe projected to grow from 37.7 (2003) to 52.3 (2050), the population asking for mobility aids at an affordable price is becoming substantial.
In this talk, we briefly introduce the solution conceived for autonomous mobility: theFriWalk(i.e. Friendly Walker). Stemming from this example, we will present the fundamental problems for service robots with application-related scenarios. In particular, we will focus on different aspects of the technological solutions: how toharmonizethe presence of the human and smoothly ensures a safe interaction with robot using the shared authority approach; how to take the fundamental mobile robotics problems, i.e.,localization, planning and control, considering different controlled guidance solutions implementing the authority sharing paradigm in a natural way and dealing with uncertainties in the robot state estimation. We will also briefly discuss the human-robot interaction in the industrial and medical contexts and the commonalities with mobile service robot applications.
报告题目:How Measurement Uncertainties Impact onLocalizationand Control Problems of Robots
Measurement uncertainty represent the doubt and the extent of the doubt for any empirical data collection gathered from real applications. The main consequence of the presence of the unavoidable measurement uncertainties is largely not explicitly considered in robotic applications, despite the possibly large negative impact they may have. This phenomenon is exacerbated when nonlinear dynamics come into play.
In this talk, we will analyse the effect of measurement uncertainties for mobile robots applications, starting the analysis from the structural properties of the systems, such as observability and constructibility, which are preconditions to build an effective robotic solution. We will mainly focus on thelocalizationproblem, with optimal landmarks placement algorithms, and we will show how uncertainties can be dominated by a wise analysis of their effects for the specific problem at hand. We will also show that, the uncertainty analysis can guide the design of planning algorithms. We finally introduce the distributed aspects of such problems and what are the robotics team applications that can be solved. In the talk, we will mainly focus on ranging-based solutions (e.g., Ultra-Wide Band systems), which are gaining popularity due to their low cost, low power and good accuracy, but we also considered other radio frequency solutions, such as RFID or radars, that turns out to be viable solutions in the robotics context.
报告人简介:Daniele Fontanelli,意大利特伦托大学工业工程系全职教授,主要研究方向包括:测试测量技术在机器人领域的应用、人机交互、移动机器人、用于控制的分布式机器人和传感系统、无线传感器网络和同步、智能电网的估计和测量技术等。他于2001年在意大利比萨大学获得信息工程硕士学位,于2006年在意大利比萨大学获得自动化、机器人和生物工程博士学位。2006年至2007年,他是美国洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学视觉实验室的客座科学家。2007年至2008年,他是比萨大学跨部门研究中心“E. Piaggio”的副研究员。2008年至2003年,他作为副研究员加入意大利特伦托大学信息工程和计算机科学系,2014年加入工业工程系。目前,他已在测试测量领域的顶级期刊和国际会议发表论文100余篇,并担任仪器测量领域顶级期刊IEEE仪器测量汇刊的副主编。承担欧盟、意大利国家和地区以及工业企业科研项目20余项。