法国阿维尼翁大学Abderrahim Benslimane教授讲学通知

2024-07-04 14:14

应我校电子与信息工程学院韩帅教授、孟维晓教授、吴尘雨助理教授邀请,在哈尔滨工业大学国际合作部、电信学院青年教师联合会、中国电子学会信号处理分会、IEEE IoT-AHSN技术委员会,IEEE ComSoc哈尔滨分会、IEEE VTS哈尔滨分会、IEEE BTS哈尔滨分会的支持下,法国阿维尼翁大学Abderrahim Benslimane教授将于2024710日,在哈尔滨工业大学科学园2H419会议室进行学术讲座。欢迎对此感兴趣的专家学者、老师和同学参加。


Vehicular network security - TrusT in IoTPARTII.




The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network is composed of devices that contain sensitive data, which makes them vulnerable to various security threats. Digital Certificate can be used to reinforce the security of the IIoT network, however, their management remains a major issue. Hence, in this work, we rely on trust management to deal with the whole certificate management process in IIoT networks, from revocation to verification.

Managing trust in a distributed context, such the one that we are targeting IIoT, is challenging when collaborating nodes don’t know each other, have no stable connections, can be huge, have severe resources constraints (e.g., computing power, energy, bandwidth, time), and dynamics (e.g., topology changes, node mobility, node failure, propagation channel conditions). Moreover, they have heterogeneous relationships.

This talk will present trust in IoT in general and in IIoT in particular, the modeling of trust and the schemes to manage the trust. A review on certificate revocation strategies in wireless networks will be given. Then, the use of the trust to renew/revoke certificates for a security purpose will be introduced.

As illustration, we will present our contribution which is a new efficient certificate verification scheme based on short-lived certificate and suitable for IIoT network requirements.

The performance shows the accuracy and the convergence speed of our revocation mechanism to detect untrusted nodes..


Abderrahim Benslimane (IEEE高级会员)1987年在法国Nancy大学获得计算机科学学士学位,并于1989年和1993年分别在法国BesanonFranche-Comte大学获得计算机科学的DEA(硕士)和博士学位。自2001年起,他一直担任法国阿维尼翁大学(Avignon University)计算机科学正教授,同时也是该大学科学与技术学院副院长。2012年至2016年担任法国外交和欧洲事务部的国际专家。自19949月以来,他一直担任法国贝尔福-蒙贝利亚尔技术大学的副教授。他发表了280多篇国际出版物(书籍、会议论文集、期刊和会议)20多期特刊,指导博士论文20余篇,硕士论文42余篇。Benslimane教授还获得了法国Cergy- pontoise大学的研究督导头衔(HDR 2000)和法国博士指导和研究奖(2021-2025年度)

他被提名为IEEEcomsoc多媒体技术指导主席(2022年至2024),任通信和信息安全技术委员会的主席(2017年到2019)。现任《国际多媒体智能与安全杂志》(International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, Inderscience)主编,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE Systems Journal, Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), and Wireless Networks (Springer)编委会成员。

作为联合创始人,自2005年以来他一直担任IEEE WiMob的总主席/指导主席。他曾担任IEEE CNS 2020总主席,IEEE Globecom 2020执行论坛联合主席,IEEE TrustCom 2020iThings 2020分会副主席,以及ICC, Globecom, iCoST, MOWNET, AINAVTC等多个IEEE国际会议的研讨会联合主席/领导者。此外,他于2020年被提名为IEEE VTS杰出讲师。