讲座报告:华中师范大学Soumyajit Roy教授讲学通知

时间 2018年10月26日 14:00 - 15:00
地点 明德楼C908

受学校科学与工业技术研究院资助,应化工与化学学院应用化学系邀请,华中师范大学Soumyajit Roy教授近日来我校进行讲学活动,欢迎校内师生参加。

题目: Exploration of Soft-oxometalates

地点:明德楼 C908



The field of polyoxometalates, a class of metal-oxide based neutral or anionic or cationic clusters, in recent times, has entered a new arena ‘soft’-supramolecular interactions, crossing the molecular regime of covalent bonds. The structures resulting from such ‘soft’-supramolecular interactions in solution are also much larger (of the order of few tens to hundreds of nanometers in diameter) and show soft-matter properties (like scattering, shear under soft forces, etc.) and are proposed to be called ‘soft’ oxometalates. They will be discussed with relevant examples to demonstrate structure formation and dynamics and applications with oxometalates in mesoscopic regimeThe potential application of these systems in micro-optomechanics will also be discussed.


Soumyamit Roy,博士,2005年博士毕业于比勒菲尔德大学Achim Müller教授课题组,之后在荷兰乌特勒支大学(2005-2007)和法国StrasbourgBASF高分子实验室(2007-2010)做博士后研究。20102016年,先后在印度教育和科学研究院(IISER-Kolkata)和大连理工大学担任研究员和教授。现任华中师范大学化学学院教授,博士生导师,Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials (World Scientific)Frontiers in Chemistry杂志的副主编。
