讲座报告:西班牙生物工程研究所S. Sanchez 教授学术报告

时间 2019年08月29日 11:00 - 14:30
地点 明德楼C1510室

西班牙生物工程研究所S. Sanchez 教授学术报告


时间: 8月29日11:00-14:30



Talk 1: Bioengineering hybrid life-like systems: from nanorobots to 3D bio-printed robots(Section 1)

Talk 2: Bioengineering hybrid life-like systems: from nanorobots to 3D bio-printed robots(Section 2)


The combination of biological components and artificial ones emerges into what we called hybrid machines or robots. Hybrid nano-robots convert fuels available in our body to generate propulsion force to swim and will eventually be used in vivo for transporting drugs to target locations in a controlled manner. On a larger scale, we use 3D bioprinting to fabricate cm-scaled hybrid BioRobots based on the combination of hydrogels and cells that contract in synchrony upon external stimuli, alike artificial muscles. These nano and microsystems could be one day be used as novel tools in nanomedicine.

Talk 3: Leadership of highly competitive scientific teams: my personal experience (Section 1)

Talk 4: Leadership of highly competitive scientific teams: my personal experience (Section 2)


In this discussion session, I will present my personal experience on how I lead, manage and organize my scientific group. A few hints on communication, organization, time management, teambuilding, brainstorming and paper writing will be provided. After working in different research institutions in Spain, The Netherlands, Japan and Germany, I learnt from many different researchers and their culture and after several training and courses in leadership and emotional intelligence I shaped an own style on how to build “competitive -and hopefully successful- scientific teams”. Awarded with the MIT TR35, Spanish King’s Award for young scientist, Catalan Government award to Young Talent, Guinness world records and more, I have been recruited to give Leadership talks over the last 4 years to CEOs of top companies in Spain (those from the Stock Market), universities and also to scientific groups. Please be ready for an interactive session, and it is addressed to students and also scientific staff.


CV ofSamuel Sánchez Ordóñez, Ph.D./Professor:

Prof. S. Sanchez istheDeputy Directorand anICREAProfessor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) and the Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology (BIST) in Barcelona, Spain. Before that, he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart (2010-2015); IFW Dresden (2010-2013), MANA-NIMS in Japan (2007, 2009-2010), UAB in Barcelona (2003-2009) and TU Twente in Netherlands (2002-2003).

His work spans from fundamental aspects of catalytic and biocatalytic nano-micromotors, 3D Bioprinted BioBOTS, electrochemical biosensors to nanorobotics for applications in biomedical and environmental fields. He received several awards and recognitions, such as the MIT TR35 as Top Innovator Under 35 in the Spanish edition, Guinness World Records in 2010 and 2017, thePrincess of Girona Scientific Research Award 2015(King of Spain Foundation) and the National Research Award for Young Talent 2016 by the Catalan Foundation of Research, among others. He received the ERC-Starting Grant in 2013, and two ERC-Proof-of-concept in 2016 and 2017. He has published about130papers, includingAcc. Chem. Res.,Nat.Commun., Sci. Adv., Angew. Chem., JACS,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano,Adv. Funct. Mater., etc., with the H-index of 47 and 8500 citations, and he filed 6 patents.
