题目:Acoustic trapping: an emerging tool in micro-array technologies
Spatial indexing is critical in experiments that require to identify and monitor hundreds to millions of individual microcompartments over a range of timescales and chemical/physical environments. This enables the high-throughput analyses of chemical/biochemical, and cellular processes, and the digital measurements of rare events in a large sample. Systematic arrangement of individual or clusters micro-compartments or cells in 2D micro-arrays provides a miniaturized platform, in which the addressability of the objects in the array can be indexed on the basis of one or more spatial variables. Typically, arrays of micro-compartments or cells with a uniform size have been prepared by microfluidics, microfabrication, printing and by application of electrical or magnetic fields. In this talk, I will present some of our recent work on how to utilize ultrasound to organize liquid droplets, lipid vesicles, and cells in 2D micro-array. I will also discuss the use of micro-array for non-equilibrium chemical sensing, protocellular differentiation, the construction of synthetic “prototissues”, exploration of localized enzyme-directed chemical communication, and design of vesicle-mediated chemical communication pathways in protocell/living cell consortia.
田良飞博士自2013年4月从苏黎世联邦理工学院博士毕业后,先后师从德国康斯坦茨大学Helmut Cölfen教授和英国布里斯托大学Stephen Mann院士从事科学研究。2019年加入浙江大学生物医学工程系,担任教授(PI)。近五年来,田良飞博士在英国仿生细胞实验中心独立发展了基于超声操控技术的微阵列芯片,取得一系列原创性成果。田良飞博士先后在等国际知名学术期刊发表论文20余篇(含影响因子大于10的学术论文10篇),其中包括Nature Communications(3篇)、Advanced Materials (1篇)和ACS Central Science(1篇)等高水平国际期刊。其相关研究成果称被先后被近30余家科技媒体报道,在业界引发一定的关注。此外,田良飞博士还关注学术成果的产业化转化,并且已经获得国际发明专利3项,相关专刊成功的实现了产业化的转化,并且基于该专利的公司(stimOS Gmbh)获得2017年欧洲最具创新创业公司提名奖。