
时间 2018年09月29日 09:30 - 11:30
地点 明德楼A801



题目:Discovery and Fundamental Studies of Phase Transformative Materials for Energy Application




Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) have become a rapidly growing energy storage technology. The cathode materials are considered to be the performance-limiting factor in research designed to increase cell energy and power density. During the cathode materials exploration, the advanced synchrotron-based characterization techniques, such as high-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), in situ high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction (HEXRD), and in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), provide novel and powerful tools for exploring the structure evolution of battery materials. Herein, I will introduce how synchrotron-based techniques could be utilized for phase identification, fundamental study of structure dynamics, reaction mechanism, and doping mechanism during the cathode material exploration. Then, the presentation will be centered on the fundamental studies of V2O5and LiCoO2as the cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. Typically, the in-depth investigation of phase transformation behavior in V2O5-based and LiCoO2in Li-ion batteries has been studied using advanced in-situ synchrotron techniques.


刘奇博士,香港城市大学物理系助理教授, 201412月毕业于普渡大学机械工程学院。2014.12-2018.3在美国阿贡国家实验室先进光子光源部(APS)从事做博士后研究。目前主要致力于原位同步辐射技术在电化学反应、微波化学合成反应、材料合成、能量储存和转化等过程中原位检测、反应机理和反应动力学研究方面的应用,在物理、化学、材料和工程领域做出众多原创性和突破性的工作。在Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Nano Energy, Journal of Materials Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials Interface, Electrochimica Acta等国际知名期刊上发表多篇高水平论文。作为第一负责人搭建了国际上首台原位同步辐射和化成技术的综合测试平台,被美国能源部专家认为“为微波反应的机理研究提供了一个划时代的研究手段”。其多项研究成果不仅得到了相关领域国际学术界的广泛认可和关注,也引起了工业界的广泛兴趣。
