图灵奖得主、AI大师 Raj Reddy教授将于六月访问计算机学院

2018-04-20 16:05
应计算机科学与技术学院院长王亚东教授邀请,在国际合作部国际项目管理中心的大力支持下,1995年度美国计算机学会(ACM)图灵奖得主、人工智能大师Raj Reddy教授,将于2018613日访问计算机科学与技术学院,为师生带来人工智能领域的学术报告——Reaching the People at the Bottom of the Pyramid
国际著名的人工智能专家 Raj Reddy 教授是美国工程院院士、美国文理科学院院士,同时担任微软亚洲研究院顾问委员等职务。 1994 年, Raj Reddy Edward Feigenbaum 一起被授予图灵奖以表彰其在设计与构建大规模人工智能系统的先驱性的贡献,展现了人工智能技术在实际应用中的重要性和潜在的商业影响。他们合力开发了第一个专家系统 DENDRAL ,该系统被视为大规模人工智能系统的设计和实现的先驱。
Raj Reddy 教授 1937 年出生于印度,在印度 Anna University 工程学院获得学士学位,并在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学获得土木工程硕士学位。 1956 年, Reddy 在斯坦福大学获得计算机博士学位。他是 1971 年图灵奖获得者、人工智能先驱 John McCarthy 指导的第一个博士。
Reddy 目前是卡耐基梅隆大学( CMU )计算机系的终身教授。在 CMU 其间, Reddy 创办了多个研究所,包括:机器人研究所,电子商务技术研究所、软件研究所。他担任 CMU 计算机学院院长一直到 1999 年。 1979 年发起并成立了美国人工智能学会 AAAI
Reaching the People at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Abstract :
It is estimated that, globally, about 20% of the adults cannot read and perhaps over 40% of the adults cannot understand written text.. Recent advances in AI have the potential to transform the lives of half the population of the planet that are currently unable to benefit from advances in Information Technology because of digital divide problems of literacy divide and language divide and social issues of availability, accessibility, affordability. Mobile smart phone adoption in the developing economies is expected to ease these difficulties. Besides conventional uses of mobile phones, these populations will need compelling mobile apps to reach a tipping point. In this talk we will present several apps in the areas of entertainment, education, health and eCommerce that could provide such an impetus. Providing dynamic real-time speech translation for languages of developing economies could lead to killer APPs for speech technologies and enable them to watch movies, listen to Khan Academy videos and TED talks, order groceries online, vote online, and communicate with a strangers at a time of crisis using speech to speech translation. In this talk we will present the recent advances in AI and Voice Computing technologies and Apps that need to be in routine use for universal ubiquitous use of mobile systems.